Visiting Alexander the Great


Hello everyone! The nephew Dima came to visit me, he was 13 years old and he loves history. By this reason, I decided to show him the historical homeland of Alexander the Great. And just discovered an interesting tour with a suitable name (in the homeland of Alexander Macedonsky). The nephew inspired and we went to explore.

Our path was lying in the city of Pelle, the capital of the ancient Macedonia, from the IV century to our era. This period of history is just held at school in secondary classes, so that Dima had the opportunity to add existing knowledge and information and see everything with their own eyes, and this is much better textbooks or video. In Pelle, we visited an open-air archaeological park with the preserved ruins of buildings, columns and foundations, as well as a museum with an excellent collection of exhibits of antique Macedonia. It wanted to consider the details of each artifact, it was a feeling that these material things endure you somewhere far and a long time ago, and another civilization, it is amazing. We saw ritual gold wreaths, large mosaics, jugs, amphoras, dishes, weapons and decorations.

After the Pella Museum, we, being still under a strong impression, went to spend the vineyards and winery of Northern Greece. The stop was at the Worn Plan "Veni", where we listened about the traditions of winemaking and tried (I mean ourselves) several types of wine produced here, especially liked the white dry, in hot weather it is very refreshing.

After the winery we were waiting for the amazing village of Agios Nikolaos. Its feature, in addition to very beautiful nature and the river, is the location - high above sea level (700 meters). The river contains trout, and the magnificent plane fees are always surrounded by the village (I love these trees very much).

We reinforced our fish with dishes, nicely spreading under the shadow of trees, and digesting not only food, but also all the new impressions of what he saw, heard and felt. After lunch, we walked in a large park, there are many children's attractions, so the next time a small niece and friends with children should be fun.

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