Koktebel - Did Romance stayed?


I really regret that I did not read the reviews about holidays in Koktebel before the trip. I got acquainted on the eve of the departure and was, to be honest, in some horror - especially after it came across the Internet on reports that there is no sewage in the village and everything flows into the sea. Alas, it turned out to be the corresponding reality and in the first evening we literally plunged into these smells. There was no time to go somewhere on the beach, so they decided to swim right in the center. Well, hinking. So what about the sewer aromas is true. Then he had already seen several robies-streams that flow into the sea. Interestingly, resting on them to pay little attention. In short, do not climb, lying next to this smelly stream crossing the beach.

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Now I will try to describe the rest in Koktebel in order.


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Unfortunately, there is practically no direct bus message to Simferopol with Koktebel. At the bus station, you need to sit on the "suitable" transport - by bus to Feodosia or Kerch and go on a fork to Koktebel. With this developing stop there is a bus (in other things and you will not call) a route from Feodosia to the biostation. It stops in Koktebel. That is, in time: by bus from Simferopol to a fork - an hour 2.5, then wait for the route bus (goes until 21.30) and 20 minutes on it. The price of a bus from Simferopol - somewhere in the area of ​​180 rubles + 13 rubles - for "getting off-from-development". If you take a taxi, then it comes out of 2500 rubles, or, if you are lucky and scores, then for each passenger somewhere 750. In general, the bus to go very uncomfortable, but relatively cheaply, by taxi - quickly, but expensive.


Of course, Koktebel is one of the most beautiful places in the Crimea.

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Kara-Dag is a majestic, mysterious, towering over the sea. There is just nothing to comment. This is the pearl of the Crimean Peninsula. Already one thing is that these outlines of the extinct volcano inspired our great poets, musicians and artists, impressive and inspires respect. It is pleased that those who are certainly belong to the elite of Russian and Soviet art - Vysotsky, Akhmatova, Gumilev, Voloshin, Ayvazovsky - did not see that sacrifice, which today disgrace the Koktebel embankment, which in itself is not a masterpiece.


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At each meter of this territory, there are some lachties-lavecons, proudly named "Cafe-restaurants-disco-dance floors". Most of the remedies are erected. I don't want to speak about sanitation-hygiene at all. Having walked around the cafe on the embankment, once again they made sure that, ordering her food here, risk hard. Therefore, the task of finding an acceptable catering point was not a lung. Focused on the Internet reviews and in line in such institutions. As a result, they chose the "creative dining room" - it seems to be in the house of recreation of writers, but the entrance to it is open. They ate several times, prices - medium, the choice of dishes - big, fly fly, yes, but fortunately, they were not poisoned, probably also because they took dishes easier (as people again were advised by people).

Clean and landscaping

Neither the other, alas, can not boast of koktebel. It seems that the village "hung" somewhere on the tape of time the maximum of the early 1980s. Building chaotic, it mates one thing. Most of the streets are not covered in the dark, so get to the evening promenade - it is necessary to gain courage if you do not live at the "blue sea". Green plantings for a long time (if at all someday) are not well-groomed - everything went down so violently that even in the central part of the village resembles a dense forest, where in the dark it is better not to surpass.

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Which surprised - an abundance in Koktebel dogs. There are so many of them that they are everywhere. Even on the beach, next to the holidays.

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Well, actually, this is Kara-Dag. Half of the extinct volcano. The second is in the sea. So, looking at it, you can see like cut-off volcanic erox. Knowing people argue that even the famous "finger features" on Kara dage is nothing more than magma, around which breeds weathered. And she remained. Yes, it is worth it.

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Further on the list - the Memorial Museum Maximilian Voloshin. Once who left the facade to the sea, today it is behind the fence and "forest" of trade trays. Getting to the museum is very difficult. To visit the excursions, you need to record (!!) in a few days, and do it personally and at certain hours. So resting, in the mass of yours, "fly" by this cognitive point of rest. Submit that someone specially comes (or even come! - Koktebel is not 1 km) to the box office window to book sightseeing service, difficult. And this is a shame, since only on excursions can be visited in memorial Voloshin apartments.

In the ordinary order in the museum you can see several premises of the 1st floor and the exhibition of paintings of little-known modern artists or even children's drawings.

Koktbelsky plant brandy and wines. This is also a landmark, and for some very attractive. In fact, the village, a few kilometers there is a Madnaya playground of this winery. There you can get on the excursion, but also by write and on certain days and hours - mainly in the daytime. An interesting excursion, you can pay tasting, then the theory smoothly (and very tasty) flows into practice. Next to the passage of the winery - the brand store wine "Koktebel". But it is the Koktebelian "Wine Materials" (this expression is very often used in the conversation locals) in it a little - it is brandy and a couple-triple of wine (but they do not make them in the cocktack, but elsewhere - read on the label). However, in general, the range of these branded outlets is more than impressive.

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Memorial boards at some fences. It is - on the fences, and not at home. Consider what lurks for these fences, and in what kind of houses sometime in the Cextball cendelest rest, it will not work - nothing can be seen. It remains to be content with only the miserware - about the names, regals and dates.

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An unfinished church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "all the mournful joy." Very beautiful building. But so far, alas, not covered and not open.

Nudist beach

The hand somehow did not rise to attribute him to the sights of Koktebel. Because it is more. If you walk from the house of Voloshina in the direction on the Feodosius on the "Promenade", then after 35-40 minutes will be on this beach. From other beaches, he is not separated. No feature or fence. Just see the extensive people (for some reason more men). So came.

See here there is something. Nobody drives uncomfortable citizens, complete democracy.

Beaches in general

In the cockthele on the beaches there is no sand. Only large pebbles. Moreover, it is "awkward", that is, brought from the Crimean mountains, it seems from under the old Crimea. That is, in fact, these are ordinary limestone breeds. Therefore, in a dry form, it is dirty clothes, there are white traces, though, shook them - and there is no. According to old-timers, the sand in the Koktebel bay was back in the 1960s. But then he was extruded - did it, allegedly, Theodosia port. And nature does not like emptiness. So they began to "torment" the koktebel landslides. Closer to Kara-Dagi, it is very clearly visible.

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Beaches in Koktebel free. In the sense - you can go to any place. But only if this place is literally - under the sun, that is, not under a canopy or "fungus" and does not represent himself. If you wish to enjoy the sun in such a "picking" of rest, you will have to pay: 150 rubles for one place. For all day. The coupon gives, so if you leave, and then return, you can prove that "you were lying here." Take the sun beds where at 18.00, where at 19.00 (like nudists, for example). Sun umbrellas remain in place.

Geographically one of the cleanest beaches - at the foot of Kara-Dag, where the reserve begins. Apparently, there was some kind of children's camp or a sanatorium, here is the "infrastructure" and remained.

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Infrastructure on the beaches is extremely wretched. I would say that it is practically no.

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Market and other shopping points

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In fact, in the coctele of them 2. One, as it were, "summer" is just a roof, the second is capital. To say that prices differ in these markets - so no. They trade in mostly dealers and the prices of fruit-vegetables bite, they are at the level of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

You can pay the card in one (!) The outlet - not far from the unfinished temple is a self-service grocery. There, by the way, you can take without much fear and milk, which is better not to do in other stores.

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Breaks everywhere Ponatkano, the prices are rather big - on the water, ice cream is especially visible.

Overall impression

If you are not picky, then you will have a rest in Koktebel. You should not count on some dizzying romance and too clear the sea. In terms of efficiency, it is possible to fully meet a couple of tens of thousand rubles for 2 weeks per person (this is housing, food, sometimes a cafe, sometimes - sunbed on the beach and one or two excursions). By the way, as a point of sending excursion routes Koktebel is pretty good - Sudak, Feodosia, the old Crimea, the new light is relatively close.

But, if you want a European service and something more than just lying on the stones and look at the mountain, you are accurate - not here.

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