"By holy places of thessalonik"


I will write about one important trip that we made resting on the Greek Peninsula Chalkidiki. The brightest impressions and emotions from this tour will remain forever with us, deep in our hearts and souls. In fact, an amazing excursion is "in the holy places of thessalonik." Our hotel guide spoke about the possible routes to visit holy places throughout Northern Greece, and there were a lot of them. Since thessaloniki is a big city with a very rich history and culture, with the interlacing of traditions and nationalities, I wanted to make exactly such an excursion exactly there. The big bonus and plus, in my opinion, is that the guides of this tour are people with theological education, it gives them to stories and in general a trip in general deeper meaning and fullness, in addition to the availability of historical facts or information. Our guide was Mother, and she led the narration simply and at the same time it's so interesting that we were religiously listened, trying to catch literally every word to miss anything. And it is worth noting that such trips can change a lot in the minds of people who visit them, they can help look at things and life situations under a different angle. And with this, to visit different monasteries and temples - it is interesting to expand the horizons and see the monuments of religion and architecture. We visited thessalonik such places: the main temple of Dmitry Solunsky (patron saint of the city), then -The Fedora Mymountile, in the church of Sofia (I especially liked it, very peaceful condition), went down to the catacombs of John the Baptist. And also saw the Grigory Palaama temple, an extremely important Orthodox Bologovo. We are also very tasty and satisfying in the meal of one of the monasteries, food (we ordered fish) was special, of course, because of what he saw and heard, we were precisely in a special and high spirits. All guests trips presented the so-called lonsters from the Virgin - special chambers.

Only thessaloniki our tour was not limited - we also went to the suburbs,

In the monastery of Anastasia sortiecels, and to the place of burial of the elder Paisius.

I want to thank all the trips involved in organizing and holding, you presented us with bright sensations and experiences and filled with new meanings and knowledge.

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