Sihanoukville - the abode of calm


I am a convinced European tourist! Already had the most pleasant travel experience in India. After long persuasion, I still broke down, and, with a disgruntled view, agreed on a trip to Cambodia. The mood has spoiled already on the plane: long flight, transplant, again flight. They flew to the airport in a punk stump (small, uninteresting, buy nothing, poverty) But that's not all. The road to the place where we were going to stop, took another three hours! Long path of my whining and finally we are in Sihanville. Here I switched to me. I did not expect to see such a pleasant town after the transferred hell.

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The main square of the city is surprisingly calm. Keeping bikes, scooters, tuk-tuki (main type of transport), cars are passing not so often. The most pleasant thing is that there is no copying of people and a wild anthill in which it is terrible. On the main square there is a gold statue of two Lviv - the main attraction of the city. These lions are depicted almost on each souvenir, and there are no photos with them only by lazy. They are surrounded by pleasant eaters, before one of which I did not resist.

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Next was even more pleasant. Prices whispered "Stay there live here." The most expensive dish that I saw in the restaurant cost 11 $. And and this was a decent establishment, and the "most expensive dish" is a huge steak or an immense crab with a garnish. On average, on four in one meal, we spent no more than $ 16. A bottle of good wine is worth a $ 14-17. It's just a penny! Be sure to try fruit on the market - sodium!

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For service and excursions prices are also very good. A trip to Tuk-Tuk, and without that cheap, it becomes even more profitable if you are pregnant. Scooters hand over $ 2-3 per day, motorcycles are twice as expensive. For a trip to the island of Koh Rong, they took about $ 12. This island is simply required to visit! Almost all the photos that brought home, I did it there. One of the most beautiful places on Earth seems to be removed by the advertisement "Bounty". Breathing incredible! Another place in which you need to look - Waterfall Kbal Chhai. Very nice and is located near, just 15 km from the resort.

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At the end I want to notice only one drawback - I did not have enough time to enjoy this rest! One unsuccessful experience should not interfere with further journey. There are still so many beautiful places on Earth where we were never!

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