Pilgrimage tour of the shrines of the Diocese of Langeada


Yesterday we came with a wonderful pilgrimage tour of the shrines of the Diocese of Langada.

At the entrance to Langead, we made a stop at the chapel over the holy source, from which the Apostle Paul's apostle himself saw according to legend, when Naples was in thessaloniki.

At first we visited the Cathedral of the Martyr Paraskeva, where today they are their power. It was a special experience of spiritual admission.

In the Temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, we were able to make the icon of the Mother of Vimataris, which means "pointing the way". Here, in the Altar of the Temple of Assumption, the ark with copies of the gifts, which Magi brought the baby to Christ is stored.

We also visited such temples as: the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Arkhangelsk Temple, the temple of the New Martyr Kiranans and the monastery of the Holy Trinity.

We got a lot of bright impressions and new information from this excursion, I advise everyone to go to her, there is a special atmosphere of peace and concentration, after visiting the temples you feel with peaceful and full of good thoughts.

Pilgrimage tour of the shrines of the Diocese of Langeada 23058_1

Pilgrimage tour of the shrines of the Diocese of Langeada 23058_2

Pilgrimage tour of the shrines of the Diocese of Langeada 23058_3

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