Excursion to meteoras


One of the main impressions in Greece for me was an excursion to meteors. He knew about meteors for a long time, in Greece was already many times, but decided to go only during the last holiday.

Let's start with the fact that meteors are monasteries on the rocks, on high sheer cliffs. They built them so high for the sake of security and privacy. Traveling in Greece I visited different monasteries and all of them special, with their atmosphere. But meteors will not compare any.

Already approaching the rocks captures the spirit! We had a stop at the site to take a picture of monasteries from different angles. I advise you to keep the hats firmly, because it blows there much.

We visited 2 monasters, both of them are different, each with their way. But it was interesting to know how the monks lived in the Middle Ages and how they live now, as monasteries built how the building materials were raised, household goods, food, as the monks live and where they are buried.

Of course, I immediately have a question when the monks conduct services, pray and so on. It turns out most of the day the monasteries are open to visiting tourists, and the time of the monks is early morning.

On the monastery you can wander, in some corners even retire. From each monastery a stunning landscape on the mountains or other monasteries.

I also saw a huge barrel in which rainwater was harder. It is now in the monasteries can be climbed on a comfortable and safe staircase, and used to rise on the ropes! The territory of the monasteries is not a bare stone, it is well maintained, landscaped. Even some trees are growing, possibly cherry.

There was also a visit to the Icon Workshop, where they told how icons write. There was a woman there, which is right there and wrote an icon. Of course, this is not a quick and creative beginning here it is not enough here, you need to be spiritually prepared. At least I thought so. By the way, you can also buy an icon. Traveling to meteors made an indelible impression on me. The place is truly beautiful and there is a special energy, easy and positive.

Many thanks to Gidu Irina for her heartfelt story and love for her work.

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