Gori is the city of Stalin.


Gori is a small town in which the Museum of I.V. is the main attraction Stalin. There is a lot of a lot of things in the city with the memory of this ambiguous policy, the main street of the city is called Stalin Avenue, and the locals reverently keep the memory of the socialist past and the most famous output of these places.

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Arriving in the city in the late evening, we barely found a hotel, as many of the local hotels do not have signs. We stopped on the central street of the city, in the hotel where, in sensations, the repair was held in Soviet power, for 80 Lari, we shot a large double room, in each interior interior, the Nostalgia of the owners of the hotel and rampage, as if returned 25 years ago in the past.

Hincali and wine donning in the nearest restaurant, we decided to postpone the sights on the next day.

Stalin Museum is a complex of buildings devoted or related policies. Before in the course of where the main exposition of the museum is located, under the canopy there is a small wooden house in which the future leader of the peoples was born and lived.

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The main exposition and the train car in which Stalin traveled, we examined with the guide, from the tour, in addition to the existing knowledge, I learned that Stalin initially wanted to become a poet and wrote a lot of poems, but not withstanding critics for his works refused to Classes, devoting himself to revolutionary struggle. The policy of asceticism is felt in everything: in the office, in clothes, in the interior of a personal car. The exposition of the museum tells about different periods of Stalin's life, the exposition of the posthumous mask of the ruler ends.

From visitors to the museum there are a lot of visitors from the former Soviet republics who bring children and grandchildren in this museum.

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Also in the museum there is an exposition dedicated to the Russian-Georgian War and its victims. I asked the guide about the attitude towards Russian guests, I bring the answer literally:

"I love the Russians, respect your culture, I have a lot of friends in Russia, but the Russian government bombed us with cassette bombs, my brother and niece died. So, if someone from Russian politicians appear on our land - the people of them will bloom. "

There are many evidence of the war in the city: those who are fragments of the walls of houses, destroyed by bombs, private houses, and as the memory of the funnel from the bomb in the square on the main street of the city.

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10 kilometers from Gori is a unique monument to the Elexcake, this is the city carved in the mountains. Visitors are allowed to independently explore the buildings of the city, and more precisely the man-made caves. There are many similar historical monuments in Georgia, but Vardzikh (monastery carved in the mountains) the most well-preserved from the ancient cities.

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