Paradise corner called Barcelona


I was always an avid fans of a sea holiday, I was never worried about attractions, parks, squares, the history of the place where I am - only the sea, the sun, restaurants and bars, and hotels, because they had to spend the night. With the same intention I was driving in Barcelona, ​​well, and what, Spain she and Africa Spain, but my stereotype was built even when traveling from the airport to the time deployment site. I have time to visit a lot, but such beauty has not yet seen where the modern European life is so closely interrelated with the old one, and most importantly and unusual is that it all greatly harmonizes and just looks like a side, moreover, not like somehow Special object, and, for example, a banal residential house, but this house is so beautiful and charming - that not to tear the look.

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But do not think that this is only a city and all, no, gorgeous, well-groomed beaches, beautiful and warm sea, everything is very clean and neat, however, it is not surprising, since Catalonia from each visitor takes the tax. Just like that, because the tourist came. An interesting approach, but it works. The city seems to be divided into squares, there is a small tourist part within the Barcelona itself, as well as endless suburbs in both directions along the coast, there is also a modern quarter, where frowning and sullen office clerks are roaming in strict costumes, and, of course - historical The city center, which is useless to write something, as the story stretches for hundreds of pages.

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Summarizing, with a train to Barcelona, ​​do not forget the camera and as much as possible a flash drive, personally, a person in his nature is lazy and not very impressionable - I spent about 2 gigabytes of places on flash drives on only photos. However, even without them, this city was forever remained in mind and always want to return again and once again that I have proven, since I was twice in Catalonia, unlike all other resorts that I met on my life path . Successful travel and exciting impressions!

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