Legendary Sevastopol


In the Crimea, my family rested often, but I somehow did not reach Sevastopol. At this arrival, my husband and I decided that I would start exactly from here, since the city is really special and, in no case does the surface relationship. Weather in May, True, did not advise you to swim and it was decided to start a vacation from the excursion program.

To get from Simferopol to Sevastopol is the easiest way to be a bus, they go every 10-20 minutes, almost like urban transport. We noticed that young people just go here for a walk and on the same evening returns back.

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Of course, the first, where we went on the passage - this is the Schimov Square. They walked along the embankment and the Count Pier, traditionally pofotkatsya near the monument to flooded ships, it was already raised from this mood. Then we went to Panorama, the next day visited Malakhov Kurgan. It is possible that all grandparents and grandparents fought in my family, but after visiting such places I always have a very strong impression. Listening to the Words of the guide, I sometimes had to omit the eyes-filled tears.

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A special place took a visit to Chersonesos. The ancient excavations were impressed by the skill of people living at the time, this is the most real open-air museum, but he inspired the fact that Vladimir was baptized here. We left from here with feeling that were on a special land, with a special atmosphere.

We also visited the Military Navy Museum. Without an excursion, it was not very informative, but still a lot of what we saw really liked. In addition to the exhibitions in the premises of the museum in the courtyard there is an open exposition of weapons: ancient guns and doubling of the tremendous winged rockets.

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We never managed to buy in Sevastopol. Not because there was no place to have small beaches in the city, although most of them are indeed far away, but because the water temperature was too low.

And even though it didn't work out a full marine resort holiday, we were satisfied with the visit of this city.

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