Rest with kids in the iron port


Recently, the Iron Port is in great demand. Having heard good reviews, we ourselves decided to visit this village. Find where to stay absolutely does not make up problems. We personally went around the first first guesthouse and chose the one that arranged at the price and in terms of living conditions. We chose a guesthouse Amazon, a good two-storey house, there were 3 beds, a cupboard and air conditioning. Nutrition can be ordered from them, it costs 60 or 80 UAH, depending on how many times eat. Also, the boarding allows you to use the cuisine. In general, the shore of the sea is very clean, but many small shells, so you need to go carefully.

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On the banks there are a lot of entertainment, moon park, aqua park, a variety of attractions for children and adults. Very pleased with the ferris wheel, and the price is good only 40 UAH. Near restaurants and guest houses a lot of interesting statues, near which you can take a picture.

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A lot of cafes and restaurants, we drose in Kozatskaya glory, a very tasty Ukrainian cuisine, an interesting interior. At the entrance there is a huge horse and a kozak.

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Prices in cafe Middle, vegetable salads Approximately 25-35 UAH, meat from 40 UAH. Potato Fries 25 UAH, meat dishes from 45 UAH. On the embankment there are a lot of pizzerias, pizza prices are also different from 40 UAH and up. There are a lot of spill wine and beer, the price of beer is funny, from 10 UAH for 0.5 liters, on average on average from 50 UAH per 1 liter. On the shore, shrimp sellers and crabs run. What are these tasty these maritime residents. Corn is certainly very expensive 25 UAH for boiled kachan. Souvenirs are very and very much, prices are very happy. Magnets only 5 UAH, clay of course from 15 UAH. A lot of sea-style clothes for both adults and children. We bought our t-shirts, dresses, shorts.

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The sea is of course cool, but the sun palette is quite strong. Already on the second day we completely burned, so it is better to go to the sea before lunch or after. Or immediately stock up means of burns. In June, the flowering period of many plants, in the iron port there are a lot of colors, especially roses, they are here on every corner. In general, relatives are more than satisfied. For not very big money, you can relax quite well and breathe with clean sea air.

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