Middle. Beijing Sian-Luoyang


Preparing my journey began with a visa. I opened it on Ukr. Zagranpipport, in Kiev. For timing - 10 days.

Visa is done without personal presence, visa cost 140 cu.

The departure came from Moscow, Aeroflot, economy class.

The flight lasted 8.5 hours. One way. On board fed -2 ​​r., Even alcoholic beverages and beer offered.

Tour lasted from 22 to 29 May.

Power supply.

At the airport, we were met as expected - with the names and name of the company's company. Guides are all local Chinese who spend all excursions in Russian. You can understand them)

Middle. Beijing Sian-Luoyang 22767_1

Middle. Beijing Sian-Luoyang 22767_2

First day in Beijing. We visited the Imperial Garden of Eyeyuan (Summer Imperial Palace). The territory of the palace is large enough, but we managed to see a bit. The main entrance is called "Gate to Eastern Palaces". Gate guard Chinese lion. I also managed to see the symbols of the emperor and the empress - Drakon and Phoenix.

In the evening we were expected to duck in Peking. How preparing it, could not see. We already ate ready-made product) The Chinese taken after the duck have soup, where the remains of the duck - wings, liver, etc. The duck meat is very gentle.

In restaurants everywhere give 1 cup of complimentary drinks, tea, coffee, water, carbonated drinks, beer.

We took beer, quite good quality.

For the extra charge we took a tour of the Chinese Circus. This is an acrobatic show, where there is enough good flexibility, attentiveness, caution, some rooms were just on the verge of life and death.

Please note that this kind of show in Beijing is a lot. Meet the guide so that she suggests you the most interesting.

On the second day, immediately after breakfast, we were lucky to watch the 7th miracle of the world - the Great Wall of China. Be prepared, climb on the wall long to the first tower. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Frames are wonderful. We caught 850 steps.

Next, we went to the pearl factory, there are so many different decorations, as well as cosmetics with the addition of pearls.

Not far from the program on the program there was a visit to the Winter Palace of the Emperor. As it seemed to me, winter and summer are very similar.

In the evening, we were expected by the train in the city of Sian. It was necessary to go. All trains are comfortable, coupe. Maintenance in wagons is similar to our. The only thing, stock towels, are not issued.

The coupe has running sockets, TV.

4th day. Arrival in Xian. Here I already expected us a new guide. We were given a little rest, snack and we went to the historic Museum of the province. Reminds the usual museum, where they are talking about the culture of the province, its life, etc.

After lunch - a big pagoda of wild geese. The territory is the park, in the Pagoda itself they are not allowed. There is a bell on the territory, you can also give your desire to come true.

5th day. The famous terracotta army. This museum is very big. Consists of several sections of individual buildings. The museum is very impressive. Do you imagine that these sculptures were still with 300 BC? The army is more than 3,000 people, faces are not repeated. In a separate room, several sculptures were collected - the crossbar (here pay attention to his sole, it already had a drawing), its palm (the line of life is visible), an archer (pay attention to the foreheads of wrinkles). Another room is the famous bronze chariot. Here you will definitely have to remember, and also try hard to take a picture of the chariot.

After such a rich excursion, we went for dinner - "Banquet of Pelmeni". Very interesting dinner, dumplings of different shapes (cabbage, duck, flower, etc.), as well as with various fillings. Delicious, soft dough.

6th day. After tomorrow, on a high-speed train we went to Luoyang (the train develops speed up to 325 km in h.)

We visited the cave temple of the Dragon. A distinctive feature - collected Buddha statues from 2 ms to 27 m.

It was raining, but it didn't spoil our mood to us.

After lunch, we went to the world famous center of U-Sha - Monastery Shaolin.

U-shu performance for a fee. It is worth a visit.

That's all. From Loyana we got to Beijing by train. And there already got on Beijing-Moscow plane.

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