Our holiday fairy tale in Greece with children


Hello everyone! I have a hurry to share with you a story about our family travels with children. They were really unforgettable and full of wonderful days and pleasant surprises.

We are a mother (me), dad and two young adventure lovers (5-year-old Mia and 11-year-old Mark). In Greece, we were pulled as a magnet. We wanted to see different corners and feel local features and customs. Started their study and rest on fabulous chalkidics. Chose Sitonia, part of the peninsula, which is well suited for family stay and hotel

Bomo Club Assa Maris in the resort village of Agios Nikolaus. We also leased the car to be free in terms of moving by peninsula, see different attractions and try the best entertainment.

We liked the hotel, especially his spacious outdoor pool and a large selection of sports activities: I liked the aqua aerobics, I love her very much and therefore was delighted that the hotel had such an opportunity, tennis and beach volleyball. And it is very important that there was a Grecoleto children's club. This is a special program for children (4-8 years old) and older (8-12), we just came to these age categories. For us, it was a super bonus. The children were glad to meet with active and friendly animators and new friends; Stay and games inspired and raised them the mood! Mia danced plenty, and Mark found like-minded people and friends, and together with the animators began to spend something like Rock Group rehearsals.

And we could relax a bit together, go somewhere to sit down somewhere, calmly sit in a cafe or restaurant, go shopping or just sow on the beach. Of course, we were a little worried at first, because it was the first experience of this kind, but in practice they saw that the club had professionals (speaking in Russian and English), which created an optimally comfortable and promotional development of a situation that would fit differently in the nature of the children . Mia - still that fidget, she must dance, play and dangle, Mark loves to read and pursuant, but also adores football and sports competitions.

We checked the children's club on ourselves and can recommend friends and acquaintances (some of them already pack suitcases).

And now I would like to write about how we visited the informative and entertainment tour of "Magic Park + Scientific Center and the NOESIS Museum Museum" from Muzenidis Trevel (who booked a hotel and a tour). This excursion is two in one: ultra-modern scientific center and moon park. From both places breathe the spirit, and equally in adults and children (the age line is erased here), because everyone feels the joy of new knowledge, discoveries and adrenaline-endorphin emotions of the same strong!

Scientific Center and Museum of Technology (NOESIS) is a significant Greek museum, it is not far from the city of Thessalonik, and was founded in 1978.

We were very impressed by the planetarium: he had a dome - 25 meters with a diameter, and the outer diameter of the hemispherical screen was 18 meters. It works with digital technologies and projection techniques, we have never been to this in such a way, so that the sensations remain strong. The children were concentrated, it was seen that they were very fascinated on the digital sky.

In the museum several divisions. Also strong on impressions for us was the so-called technopark, which presents different achievements of technology, electricity, magnetism, mechanics and optical discoveries. Great here, in my opinion, the exhibits are submitted in interactive form, so that children and their parents can touch, try and interact with objects and objects. Science is served in an interesting game form, and not just in the museum showcase behind the glass. We visited the 3D cinema for 300 places with a huge flat screen, where scientific films show (again, you feel in another reality, and not just watch the movie), also the children learned what virtual reality is and how to visit it :)

There is still an exhibition with a large collection of old cars (it's more to dad and brand), and we really liked the exhibition of the technique of the ancient Greeks (Mia crazy about the ancient myths), so that we invented how the Olympic gods and people enjoyed technologies then How to build at home and swam in the sea.

After the museum, our holiday continued in a spacious Magic Park (Magic Park). It is worth noting that they did not simply collect attractions on one territory, and the park was specially designed and created as a holistic entertainment town (70,000 sq.m).

We really enjoyed on the American slides and carousels. Children rode in the train with ghosts, and won a couple of soft toys in competitions for accuracy and agility. Also, we all calmly rolled in the ferris wheel and loved views of the sea and ships, and also children let us make a dead loop on an extreme centrifuge. So say that we have time to spend time - say nothing. It was super!

I will finish, but in the following stories I will write, as we traveled along Sithonia, and what resort villages visited. In touch!

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