Picnic on the ship


Today I would like to tell about the wonderful sea walk "Picnic on the ship." With my husband we rested in the southern part of Corfu Island. And this cruise really turned out to be a find for us, in the sense that we, living in the south were able to get acquainted with the northeast coast of this island. It turned out to be madly beautiful: Rugged coastline, sheer rocks, grots and caves.

We purchased a tour of your guide at the hotel. She said in detail in detail, Shared his impressions showed photos. We were pleased that all this is not "naked" words. We did not start tightening with the trip, took on the next day. This hotel is certainly good, but during the rest you can sit on the spot. As promised, exactly the bus arrived at us at our ticket, the bus arrived. Then we quickly collected the remaining people and went in touch, from there just and went out our ship. The boat is not big and very cozy, the crew is friendly and friendly. Also, the representative of our company was accompanied by the entire excursion from the beginning to the end. Before the first stop (Barbara Bay) we sailed about an hour. It turned out to be a beautiful wild beach to get to which it is possible from the sea. And all this charm was only for our group. The stop was for 2 hours and while we swam, the crew of the ship was preparing a surprise for us: a delicious chicken kebab and pork, Greek grilled saucels, sauce and salads. The table was carried straight to the shore and drose we did not break off from the rest.

Further, in the course of our movement to Cassii, we had 2 more stops for swimming on different beaches at about a hour. And on the way back in Letting we moored to one of the caves. It was cool to swim inside, and whatever it would be saved from it under a large stone.

At the end of the trip, in fact, it was a pity to say goodbye to the crew of the ship. Everything was very cool and fun. We float from the soul, a kebabs, visited the most beautiful beaches of the island and saw Darlela and Rotcheld's houses. Thanks for this cruise !!!

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