India - Country of Specific Exotic


Country of Fakirov, Fireworks, Snake Lords, Indecent Treasures, Ayurves and Spices. I was completely different to India, although everything was said above, I certainly saw here. India for me is a country shock. I was struck by people living in poor shacks, which hardly work hard to eat food, but at the same time they are so smiling and good-natured, even satisfied with life. After hitting India, I had a coup in consciousness: how it turned out to be little for life! In general, my subjective opinion: it is impossible to consider itself a true traveler if you were not in this country. The most interesting thing as it turned out here near the roads. From seen personnel of the daily life of the local population simply captures the Spirit. I saw so unfamiliar to me that I initially refer me to some shock, and eventually caused live interest. Driving on the bus, I could not sleep after a long flight, since outside the window every a moment arose, something new, a new scene from life. So I saw a "hairdresser" chair at the side of the road, it is pied to the fence of a muddy mirror, sitting in a client's shaving cream, next to the shadow of the trees are sitting in the queue of men and play on the shadow of the earth in checkers made from plastic bottles. The picturesque group in bright sari with drums was passed on and all bizarrely degraded. "They are saints," the guide explains us, then the people in white robes with bandages and sweatshirts and turbans on the heads are "Sikhi". From the number of religious currents in India, the head goes around. Cows here go on themselves, meet them on the roads and sidewalks, as well as on intercity highway. Our driver braked dramatically many times as follows, flowing this sacred animal. I understood, the Indians simply love to settle along the road, just begin to build a new route, and the huts like mushrooms appear along the highway. Indians are glad to watch passing tourist buses, constantly mashed and smile. Goa struck me with his long and wide beaches shrouded with palm trees, always warm, like milk by the sea. I lived in the village at the greenery, with smiling and hospitable people. Here I did not find noisy and stormy nightlife, everything is chinno and calmly: hotel, beaches, restaurant. On the beach, there was a specific entertainment-oriental bazaar.

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You make a couple of steps from your shelter and get into the militant crowd of merchants, you can buy a different product from flower steero to Cashmere Chalese. Indians exhibit all the wonders of market ingenuity, seem (transforming their names in Russian) Wanney, Natasha, light, it sounds of course ridiculous, but bribes. Walking around the beach, met the menu written by huge letters: "Borch", "Caula", and the name of the restaurant was corresponding to "Uncle Kolya" be sure to visit the fish market. Just a stunning spectacle: Mountains of shrimps, lobsters, crabs All the gifts of the ocean and deft girls - the peddles wear wicker baskets with goodies on their heads. Water is transparent and very warm. So nice to the waves, do not feel the bottom under the legs, catch small grinding, funny running, from starfish. Local believe that if the white tourist is touched by a child, then the baby will be happy all his life, so they are trying to give to hold their blots, I don't even know how many children I overtook in my hands, I think hundreds. Goa is an amazing place, there are many temples, I visited the amazing cathedral of St. Catherine, he was built in a Tuscan style, a chapel of Bon-Jesus's chapel, Arch Vice-Kings.

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Be sure to visit the excursion to the "Abandoned City" - Hampi, this is the capital of the ancient and powerful empire of Vijayanagar, very beautiful and unique structures were delighted with their scope, majestic and power faith, immense landscapes resembling cosmic. Then I forgot about the crazy rhythm of life and plunged into a pacification. Silence and rest was enveloped, the rest of the world ceased to exist.

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Dudchsagar's waterfall will leave the most pleasant impressions after the visit, here we plunged in the waterfall, treated monkeys, visited the farm of the spices, on which I acquired natural Indian herbs, seasonings.

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India is the country in which you need to go as soon as possible, you will experience a storm of emotions, see the real exotic.

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