Venice - "Pearl on the water"


Remember, the phrase of the hero of the famous film: "I saw ITALY on the map. Boot boot "Venice for me - Magic of romantic streets, narrow canals, vintage squares, sunny beaches of the resort Lido. So, it is better not to go to Venice in the summer - very humid and water in the canals "smacks" will never forget as a local resident, seeing that I approach the canal, stressed in the hands of water, shouted from my screaming bright geranium balcony so that I In whose case did not drink water (which, of course, I was not going to do) And I didn't even think they melt my hands in her: she says quite dirty and if it suffers thirst so, I can go to her and she will give me to drink. The city standing "on the water" produced a non-impected impression on me, Venice was a paradise for hiking. Here I did not hear the noise of urban transport, only the noise of waves about the boat boats and the gondola. Venice and not ride a gondola, you will agree - it's just unreal. Walking on the gondola, it costs honestly not cheap, but it is worth it. Smile and languid glances, romantic Barcalora and now I am already swimming in a silent large channel among the beautiful palaces to St. Mark's Square. Eyes simply run away from the shores of magnificent palaces that arise along the shores, the lush facades of the buildings reminded me of fragments from the film "Love Kurtizani", and wait that beautiful curtains will begin to wave bright fans. I got a very sociable gondoller with an amazing name Ivan, who invited me on Sunday to the historic regatta on the gondolas, it turns out that it passes on the first Sunday of September - I successfully drove in Venice.

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Gondola slowly stopped, and my eyes pulled first of all the excellent Cathedral of St. Mark - Basilica San Marco. On the square a huge number of tourist groups seems from all over the world. Venice many are associated with pigeons on the square, or rather with their feeding, but local authorities have completely destroyed these associations, there are plates on the square on the ban on the feeding of pigeons with a decent fine in 500EVRO. The beauty of the mosaics and the decoration of the cathedral must be seen, all this sophistication, the gilding of the picture from the life of the Prophet Moses, can be viewed by clock. Piazzette fascinated me and the intention of masonry tiles, buildings, bright colors. But most of all I liked the lights of surprisingly pink color, very unusual color. You can go to the cathedral for free, but you will have to defend a huge queue. I recommend to climb the bell tower of San Marco on it, with its height, a stunning view of the luxurious Grand Canal opens.

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I smiled at luck, I managed to reserve a ticket to the so-called "secret routes", a unique opportunity to see the secret rooms of the Doge's Palace, usually closed to visit tourists. It was possible not only to consider the magnificence of the palace, but also to visit the terrible chamber of torture and visited the prison where the famous adventurer and lover of Jacomo Kazanovo was in custody. On my question, in what kind of house Casanovo lived? The guide playfully smiled and said: "In every Venetian house, where a woman lived - Venetsians lived, Venetians are very proud of such a famous person, believing that in each of them a droplet of the great patron of female hearts. On the sights and architecture of Venice can be told for hours.

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But I really liked the regatta, for which I was successfully invited, the gondoliers had become athletes who were professionally competed on gondolas specially built for competitions on a large channel. All the extravagania began a festive procession and a costume representation, akin to the present carnival. Venice is a place where I just choke the novelty impressions, seen by the beauty of architectural buildings collected by works of art, add an exotic kitchen in the form of spaghetti with ink Caracatar and seafood, will immediately seem to see the Venice immediately.

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