Sunny Pier, Motherland Zhugochi Flamenco and Desperate Matadorov - Spain.


In Spain, I had the impression that I was very popular, because I heard next to me: "Ola!" This later I just realized that this is a regular greeting in the country. Spaniards are always friendly and smiling and very hospitable. From all the variety of resorts of Spain, I stopped on the heart of Catalonia-Summary Barcelona. Do not scatter throw coins into hats, jars standing near live sculptures. Each sculpture will hit you an amazing show. I brought a lot of colorful with unexpected photo figures that became decorated with my photo report. A bit resting and sailing on the sandy beach of San Sebasta, I went to master the city. Barcelona beaches are crowded from all sides Music and a different speech. The first place in which the famous Gothic quarter came from which the whole city began to grow, the streets are very narrow and looped, many street cafes, shops, there you can buy good decorations. There are many places for recreation, clubs, bars, but I don't really complain them, so I walked more at cozy parks with small and big. Palm trees, fountains, multicolored flower beds led me just delight. Many such places are absolutely free to visit tourists, such as the famous dancing fountain. It seemed to me huge, just huge! The representation lasts long enough, the spectacle is simply awesome, the mass of water is dancing their mysterious dance and glow all the shades.

Sunny Pier, Motherland Zhugochi Flamenco and Desperate Matadorov - Spain. 22686_1

In general, everything is fine in Barcelona, ​​I traveled on an open two-story bus, a 50% discount on all excursions were offered to a ticket for him, so I advise you to buy a tour, you can see all the main sights: a monument to Columbus, he is right on the waterfront, a little further is aquarium. Barcelona with funny penguins behind the glass, a house mil with openwork forged grids, created by a famous architect. Gorgeous was a trip to Tibidabo Mountains, the view from her top was so impressive on the whole city, which captured the spirit and wanted to stand there eternity, and watch, watch. But it was necessary to go further. Skip the examination of the most beautiful Creations of Gaudi was unforgivable.

Sunny Pier, Motherland Zhugochi Flamenco and Desperate Matadorov - Spain. 22686_2

The most fundamental creation of a great architect is the temple of Sagrada Surname, the construction is simply unique, and the building continues until now the temple is simply ambitious, it is possible to look at it for hours, considering the figures, I immediately rushed into the differences in the differences of Creatures Gaudi and his followers, alas, to transfer the author's eccentricity Skillful masters are not possible. The sizes of the cathedral, of course amaze, are standing in admiration and do not understand how fantastically gaudi approached the idea of ​​construction.

Sunny Pier, Motherland Zhugochi Flamenco and Desperate Matadorov - Spain. 22686_3

Get inside the cathedral is hardly, the turn is akin to the temple, very large, but it is worth it. We rose to the viewing platform of the facade of the Passion of Christ, the height is certainly incredible, everything seems to be so air fragile, as if woven from the finest lace a lot of air, even breathing hard. The climax of travel was to visit the park Park Guell, another great creation of the famous architect.

I loved Barcelona with all the soul. In general, who was not in Barcelona, ​​he was not in Spain, and who was not in Spain, he was never anywhere!

Sunny Pier, Motherland Zhugochi Flamenco and Desperate Matadorov - Spain. 22686_4

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