Charming Odessa


When planning a trip to Odessa for May month, we were not particularly expected that the weather would allow to swim and sunbath (we had torrential rains at that time). Therefore, we have bathing accessories, in order not to be upset, did not take. Considering the foregoing to settle near the beaches there was no sense. As a result, we settled in the very center of Odessa. To the Potemkin stairs we were going to go minutes 3 (so the center does not happen).

Having walked the first day at all interesting places of the center of us began to pull towards the sea. Descended to the port and understood - not that coat. The sea seems to be, and the feet will not be able to succeed. As a result, we took a volitional decision and went to the beach. From the center towards the main beaches does not go anything. You need to go with two transplants (by the way, in transport payment upon exit). We race for the Pad - we visited two main beaches of Odessa: Langeron and Arkady (I will tell about your impressions).

On the second day we went to the beach Langeron . As for me - he is very good. In the color of water it was clear that the occasion in the water was smelted and enough small, the pits are missing. The beach line is wide enough. There is a cafe directly on the beach, and there is along the promenade. On the beach during this period of the year there were a lot of holidaymakers (mostly, of course, sunbathing, the water is very cold). Sand clean, light and walking on it by barefoot, I did not find seashells. Actually next to this beach there is a dolphinarium

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And a few steep hotels (one with dolphins). Also there is a small central embankment

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With beating fountain jets from the Earth (here I was a little disappointed - I thought a jet would change its intensity until the fading, and in the end they all quickly worked stably).

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Over the beach, the Park Shevchenko is towering, in which there is Lunapark. with ferris wheel

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(view from the wheel) and other entertainment (they, by the way, have a website). On the ferris wheels weighs the information that this is the highest ferris wheel in Ukraine - this is a lie! In Kharkov, the wheel will be more. The attraction "American Gorki" (I was ridiculous to call it so as I rolled on the real) very ancient - it creates, repents and some more strange sounds publishes.

On the third day we went away - on Arkady (We traveled for quite a long time).

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The central entrance was recently reconstructed. Now there is a bunch of cafes and shops, a small fountain and a mini-lunapark, and the water park is still completed (it looked pretty impressive). All embankment is shrouded in cafes and restaurants. To get to the water you need to squeeze between them. Many beaches in this zone are paid (the same Ibiza, by the way Cocktail Green Mexican they have 99 UAH). The beach line is magnificent, but youth will be clear here more fun.

Both beach mems are already ready to take holidaymakers (have seen water entertainment, and even someone rolled on the bunch and flyboard). Perhaps I reacted too biased to these beaches from the height of a family holiday, and even with a small child. But I'm closer to the first beach.

And even if we are going to relax in Odessa on the sea, then I do not advise you in the center . Although to file to the sea and hand to the sea, but to buy a decent distance in hot and stuffy public transport.

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