Unreal Madrid.


I am very advised to get acquainted with the Spanish capital in mid-May. There is already a real summer, but not yet a crewing heat, so you can safely walk around the city, not wanting to go into an endless siesta from the bake. We lived in a hotel in the city center near the Stadium Santiagu Bernabeu, since my husband had an avid fan, then on the first evening we went there. The stadium strikes with its scale approximately as the Roman Colosseum. Tickets for the game Real Buy We could not succeed, but then there is a tour of the stadium for 15 euros - you showed the prebarns, locker rooms, a huge museum with award-winning club, a press room and finally, it was possible to go to the field and sit on the benches for the coach and football players.

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My husband was delighted, and it was noneless.

The next day, we visited the magnificent Prado Museum, which just struck me by the number of masterpieces. For 100 euros, we hired Spanish-guide, which spoke well in Russian, and did not regret. She showed us the main works of art in huge halls and told interesting facts and legends from the life of artists. Pay attention to the picture-riddle of Freilins and a huge cloth with two perspectives where Christ goes to his students. The museum is much more cozy and freer than the Hermitage and Louvre, but also full of masterpieces.

Be sure to choose a separate day to go on an excursion to the Royal Palace and take a walk on a huge magnificent park around him.

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For us, as very active tourists, it became an unpleasant surprise that in Spain it is impossible to eat normally at any time, going to the restaurant. We had a hotel. Dinned around the hour of day in restaurants delicious. But then - from 14 to about eight in the evening, in most restaurants, Siesta and dinner are beginning to serve only after eight. Therefore, we had to buy something in supermarkets or you can drink coffee in the cafes, biting a sandwich from fresh crispy bread with a sliced ​​of Hamon. Tasty, but we lacked full-fledged meal. But they are preparing great, try Palela with seafood necessarily, fresh dorada baked with olive oil and green peppers with sea salt.

We were also lucky in Madrid to see the Spanish national holiday. He was on May 14, but I do not know whether he takes each year that it takes exactly this number. Overlap the streets, the Spaniards go to walk around as we were on May 9. All dressed in the outfits of the 18-19th century, sell balls, sweets in all parks arrange some concerts, sing the same singers. We did not understand what the holiday was dedicated to, but it was very fun and interesting to look at Madrids in such a relaxed atmosphere.

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