Corfu - Journey to the Ionian Sea


Corfu is an island belonging to the group of ionic islands belonging to Greece. The term "Ionian Island" means that Corfu is an island located in the Ionian Sea. According to the standards of Greece, resting Corfu is among the costly, in the peak of the tourist season, the day of living in a five-star hotel on the first coastline cost 150-200 euros, in four-star - 100-150 euros. My wife and I lived at the Grecotel Eva Palace Hotel, and a week of residence for two (7 nights) cost us about 2500 euros.

Such fairly high prices are due to the fact that the tourist service at Corfu is oriented, above all, on tourists from Western Europe. Well, the service here is the corresponding, high level.

The climate on Corfu is very favorable, the heat is smoothed by the sea breeze, and many green plantings make air on the island of healing. The core is really very green.

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It is beautiful nature that is considered the main attraction of Corfu. Other attractions include St. Spiridon's Cathedral with his relics. You should also visit the old fortress, I personally liked it.

There is another attraction, maybe not such a status, but interesting for women is a canal of love near the resort of Sidari. It is believed if the woman swims on him and falsifies the name of his loved one at this time, she will marry him. So unmarried women can go to Corfu and check as far as true.

Beaches on Corfu Sand and pebble, clean and transparent water. Moreover, in different parts of the island, the temperature of the water and the degree of its transparency differ significantly. In my opinion, the water is not so warm as much as I would like. But but the beauty of the beauty is extraordinary.

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From the entertainment, in addition to the standard and the same at all resorts, such as "banana, parachute, water skiing, etc.", you can note the water park, the cost of the ticket is 25 euros, plus 5 euro chamber storage. In principle, there is nothing outstanding here, an average water park, but you can visit. I still liked the boat swimming with a transparent bottom, quite original, it costs 90 euros for two.

As for the kitchen, I liked it, but I surprised a little that dishes from meat and poultry prevail, while I expected a large selection of seafood dishes. Prices are quite acceptable, if with alcohol, then dinner for two will cost 50-70 euros.

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