Rest in Pomorie is not suitable for everyone, it is special.


Rest in Pomorie is really not for everyone. There are some features rest in this small town. I will try to explain my position, but I will immediately make a reservation, this impression is personal, from my rest.

Let's start with positive moments of rest. The road from the airport in Burguse is about 30-40 minutes, you can get a bus (go every 30 minutes.) The town is located on the peninsula, and the sea is located on the left bank and on the right. Conveniently. Pretty clean and not glamorous town. The climate is very comfortable. We were so to speak in the "velvet season" and the water and air temperature was about +25 C. At this time, tourists become less, so relaxing comfortable. Camely under umbrellas are free.

Rest in Pomorie is not suitable for everyone, it is special. 22481_1

We rested in the private sector, apartment on 2 rooms. All sorts of cafes and cafes are a great set. We studied all the cafes in the district. Cooking very tasty and cheap. Sometimes they prepared themselves, but mostly salad and scrambled eggs. Vegetables and fruits, really cheap and very large variety, and of course rich variety of fish dishes. Hungry will definitely not be left. Many shops where you can buy everything you need.

Rest in Pomorie is not suitable for everyone, it is special. 22481_2

Now I will explain why rest is not for everyone. I think that you can relax families with very young children or already very large. Entertainment is very small. I saw only one playground and several arrhythrics. Knowing, by experience, I think that it will be very boring and rest to turn into constant hassle. Here for my 15 year old daughter, it was the best. The whole rest is swimming and sunbathing, in walks along the sea and evening contemplation of the sea. And you can walk on the salty lake and take treatment. Here are 2 lakes of this type, so the resort is more therapeutic. That's all entertainment. My family wanted exactly such a rest, as the daughter said, whatever brains rested in silence and meditation. But those families who are accustomed to a more active and diverse rest, there will be no comfortable.

So that for me and my family Pomorie turned out to be very comfortable in terms of rest, and the rest I advise you to think well, what kind of rest they want for themselves.

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