Lovely rest in the new world!


I love the Crimea very much, and especially the mountains and the sea. This year in April we decided to go to the new light. The new light is a small, cozy and resort settlement, which is surrounded by mountains and beautiful bays. It is by this village a new light and manits our tourists who come here to rest during the holiday season. We chose the time not in the midst of the holiday season, and the time when everything starts blooming and the street is already warm. Spring is the most beautiful time to leisure, travel and sightseeing. We did not think about going to rest for a long time, you immediately chose a new light.

In the new light we spent exactly 2 weeks. Housing was filmed in the private sector. We found a good house near the embankment for 1000 rubles per day. The house leaned turnkey, we lived in four of us without the hostess under normal conditions. For two weeks spent 14,000 rubles for four. I advise you to rent an apartment or a house in the private sector, hotels and hotels in the new world are quite expensive, so it is better to agree on the Internet in advance with the owners of housing, and you can simply write down the addresses and on the spot to find accommodation. We did this exactly, wrote down the addresses and, having arrived in the new light, found a house. However, this option is available only at this time of year, in the summer there will be a big excitement, and you will need to book any housing in advance.

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In the new world there is a small market where you can buy fresh Crimean fruits and vegetables, there are several stores with quite normal prices. For example, a bottle of lemonade Crimea in a glass of 0.5 liters costs 40 rubles, it is quite inexpensive compared to prices in large cities.

The beach in the new world is one and it is in a green bay, the beach is very good, sandy, with a beautiful smooth entrance to the water, the bottom of good, stones and algae. Ideal for family holidays.

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A beautiful mountain is towering over the beach, around which a tourist trail goes, you can walk and enjoy beautiful landscapes and multi-colored bays. This year the trail is free, so be sure to go and admire the beauty that surrounds you.

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