New Zealand, Auckland - Unforgettable Impressions


To get to New Zealand, you need a lot of patience and time. We, as people from Siberia, departed from Vladivostok with a change in Seoul. Very tired and finally we are in the salary. From the airport to the hotel traveled by bus and looked at the unprecedented country to us on the way. It is immediately clear that we got into a completely unfamiliar world, even on the roads left-sided movement. Auckland is a city from itself, where the private sector from one-storey houses is the overwhelming majority. People here prefer to live in their private cottages than in an apartment building. All skyscrapers and high-rise buildings are located only in the city center.

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Weather pleased us. In New Zealand, January Month is considered in the summer, and in June they have winter. All the opposite. Although the weather here is enough change, for example, in the afternoon it can be hot, and with the onset of the evening you need warm clothes. From hotels we have chosen CopThorne, which is located near the port, with a beautiful view from the window to the harbor. As soon as we are located in the hotel, without losing time, we went to inspect the city. Title, so there were not so many people on the streets and then we learned that all the fun plants are working here until 11 o'clock in the evening. From entertainment - it can be sitting in a restaurant or bar, a casino or bowling is also working. In one of the restaurants, we decided to have dinner and decided to order a lamb meat, which I was deducted from the Internet. The dish was at the highest level. By the way, there are very tasty and high-quality wines.

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From the excursions we took a trip to the island of Delegen, where we traveled on the ferry. The island itself is a small and walking the most optimal option. However, the most impressive trip personally for me, it was an excursion to the Valley of Rotorua Geyserrs, as well as walks around Auckland. It is an unforgettable spectacle: beautiful waterfalls, beautiful landscapes of green fields, and for some reason, unlike our, clean and fluffy lambs, thermal sources, geysers, fierades and of course, Majori's indigenous people. We also managed to visit the area where the famous film about the Hobbits was shot. From the beaches here is the most popular - it is Misha Bay, where the service is firstly surprised: shower, locker rooms, clean toilets, a variety of restaurants where you can have a delicious snack.

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New Zealand is striking with his virgin and breathtaking nature. People really relate to it and how many natural sights can retain the original form. Here we would learn this. Arriving home, I already missed this extraordinary country, but a long and expensive flight would hardly force me to go to such a journey once again, although what the hell is not joking.

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