Tokyo - one big attraction


To visit Japan, I dreamed from childhood and finally it happened. I visited the most mysterious country in the world. There were not many wishing to get in Japan, as we flew there almost in a semi-empty plane. Tourists somehow do not complain this country, most likely because of the high cost.

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For me, Tokyo, as one big attraction. On every corner something new and interesting. First, immediately rushes into the eyes of Japanese outfits. It seems that they have their own standards of beauty and fashion. Golfiki, bows, all sorts of patterned tights, short skirts - such a defective "lolita". Men are more conservative, almost all are dressed in business suits. Secondly, the purity is striking on the streets. Even shoes after a whole day of walking remains nirious clean. Thirdly, all trees in the city are carefully guarded and on each there is a sign with a number and biography.

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And also, to meet on the street of a man of European appearance - a big rarity. For all staying in Tokyo, I saw only six. The Japanese themselves are very polite people and very closed, all are busy with their own business. Nobody looks at the street, in the subway everything will be stuck in phones or comics. The city itself, as a big anthill.

From attractions, of course, we visited parks that are similar as one work of art and after a noisy city is an ideal place to relax and relaxation. We watched the famous Khatiko monument in the Sibuya area, where the people are very much. Also went to admire the shrine of Japan Fuji, the beauty is incredible.

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Now about Japanese cuisine. A variety of cafes are abuse, but the main dish is noodles with various sides and sushi. Everywhere sushi. I love Japanese cuisine, but I have already been across the throat on the third day. I wanted our normal potatoes or soup and then we got to McDonalds. Forgetting about calories and harmful additives, we gladly fly to both cheeks fried potatoes, burgers and chicken. By the way, I liked Japanese beer.

And yet, which surprised in Japan, that after six o'clock in the evening, it starts to darken, and at seven already comes the night and this is happening throughout the year. For us it was strange and unusual. Having lived in Tokyo for more than a week, I realized that for all this active life, high technologies, the Japanese mostly internally. They, like robots, they have no freedom, even despite sexual relations in clothing or behavior. And all this from upbringing and mentality. In general, I liked in Tokyo. I, as if visited another planet, everything was different from our life, but I would like to return to Japan once again.

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