Beijing - City of Contrast


In 2015, we discovered the capital of China Beijing. Honestly I expected a little different. I will explain what it is. I represented China, as in Hollywood films - these are numerous pagodas, temples, many different sculptures in the national style, but on the fact Beijing places are similar to our standard Russian cities. On the outskirts of the city, I saw simple gray buildings, reminiscent of our five-story buildings, but the circle is under construction, and here is closer to the center already the picture changes gradually. Here the city is more like a modern megalopolis: mirror skyscrapers, buildings with rounded corners or a completely round shape, many fashion boutiques, restaurants.

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If you decide on a self-journey, then find the hotel will not be difficult. Of course it is better to choose closer to the center where all the best shopping centers, shops, restaurants and clubs are concentrated. It is about next to Tiananmen's area or the famous Yabul.

Beijing can be ride on a taxi or subway. Tasty to eat, there was no problem with this too. Restaurants of large and small, here a great set. Basically, of course, with national cuisine, which, by the way, is different from our Chinese food, there are also restaurants from Russian cuisine, Italian, Japanese and a bunch of different fast food. Very tasty Chinese beer here.

For our vacation, we traveled almost all famous excursions. We first took place a sightseeing tour of Beijing, including Tiananmen Square, the size of which is the largest in the world, the memorial hall with the body of Mao Jedun and the Museum of History. We also visited the Great Wall of China. The spectacle is very impressive, and if you still know the history of the construction of this legendary structure, then you will doubly admire this wonderful excursion.

We took the next excursion to the "Park of the World", where almost a hundred miniature copies of all famous attractions of the world are exhibited. On the same day, we visited another park - this is the "Temple of the sky." We were in the Beijing Zoo, where they saw many rare animals and of course, the famous Panda, which can be observed for hours, so funny and cute.

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We really liked the Park "Beihai" with luxurious pagodas, colorful bridges and a large lake, where beauty and peace reigns. It is only part of the places we visited. We also went to the water park several times, watched the stadium "Bird's nest", arranged shopping on the main shopping street of Vanfujin.

Beijing, who disappointed me at first, gradually revealed for me completely on the other side. I was not boring for a minute, everything was so interesting and exciting. Learning the closer city, people, culture of China, I realized that I would like to return to this beautiful city again.

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