Solar Buryatia, Unique Lake Baikal and Center for Russian Buddhism - Ivolginsky Datsan


I want to tell about my native sunny Buryatia, where from year to year the number of tourists coming from all over the world increases with geometric speed. The most popular season is summer.

Our city is beautiful and changing. Here you can see a lot of different attractions, such as the biggest head of Lenin, Russian drama, singing fountain on the main square, etc., but I will tell about Lake Baikal and Ivolginsky Datsan.

Tourists in the republic entails the amazing nature of our region and of course, our famous Lake Baikal, unique in its kind. This is the deepest and large freshwater lake on the planet. But no words do not convey the fantastic energy of Baikal. A man once visited here, will never forget this place.

Solar Buryatia, Unique Lake Baikal and Center for Russian Buddhism - Ivolginsky Datsan 22078_1

Rare animals are found in Baikal. For example, like Baikal Nerpean or Golomanka, which melts in the sun. The lake from all sides is surrounded by Taiga, steep cliffs, high mountains. The famous Siberian cedar, various useful berries (cranberries, lingonberry, blueberry, blueberries, etc.), mushrooms are growing here.

Resting on Baikal, be sure to try the Baikal Omul, which is so much delicious that the fingers are license. It can be cooked on the fire yourself or buy from numerous sellers in any form, smoked, salty or fresh.

There are a lot of turbases around the lake, for every taste, starting with simple houses, ending with comfortable rooms with all amenities. They are located in land like Maxismich, Goryachkinsk, Turk, Enhaluk, Cultured, etc. From entertainment on Baikal - these are water boats, water bikes, skiing, fishing. Many tourists love to relax savages in tents, some of which come on their cars from the other end of our huge country.

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Solar Buryatia, Unique Lake Baikal and Center for Russian Buddhism - Ivolginsky Datsan 22078_3

Water in the lake is crystal clear and tasty, but rather cold and it warms it only in the second half of summer. Unforgettly, it is Siberian Mother. There are many sandy beaches with clean fine sand. And what are the sunsets, just awesome, impossible to take eye. The soul comes such a peace and peace of mind that you forget about everything in the world.

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Solar Buryatia, Unique Lake Baikal and Center for Russian Buddhism - Ivolginsky Datsan 22078_5

I want to tell another place, where you need to go, if you are in Buryatia, this is the Ivolginsky Daman, the center of Russian Buddhism. Many of our celebrities visited here, as well as President of Russia V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev.

The main relic and the heritage of Datsan is the net body of Hombo Lama Itgilov, whose phenomenon still cannot explain scientists. It is stored in a separate temple and on certain days it can see and get a blessing to everyone.

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On the territory of Datsan there are several temples and houses of Lam, where they lead. But before starting to inspect the complex, you need to make a circle, according to our city, to charge good thoughts and energy. On the way, it is necessary to turn numerous drums within which mantras are located. You can also go to the main temple and write their names on a special sheet, which will then read on prayer and drink holy water - Arshan. At the exit from the complex there are counters with various consecrated souvenirs and amulets. They also sell warm things from natural camel wool.

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After visiting Buryatia once, you will again want to come back and meet with our hospitable people. To see the Baikal again, under the power of the power of these places, to breathe clean air taiga and eat Buryat Buzzy again.

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