Rest in the genica big and friendly family


Genichesk is always chosen as an inexpensive and good holiday on the sea. We have been resting solely in this small town for many years. To be more accurate, the main seats for housing near the sea is not a genic himself, but the Arabat arrow on its outskirts. During the years of rest at sea, we changed several databases. All of them are almost the same in terms of cost and distance from the sea. Just sometimes there are no places on the same base, then call the next one. The principle of these turbases is similar: Location 2-10 minutes walk from the sea, your beach, many wooden houses for a different number of seats. In the houses there are beds, electric shields, a refrigerator, in some water and air conditioning, and in others - no. From this, respectively, the price depends per day.

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The Azov Sea is small and warm, which is very good if there are kids in the family. Although I'm not a baby for a long time, but I'm afraid of depths, and that's it! Therefore, it is not difficult for me to walk a couple of tens of meters so that you can plunge. In the summer, life on the Arabat arrow boils Mightwall! During the daytime, there are plenty of all kinds of water rides, and in the evening you can go to a disco in some nearby camp or boarding house.

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Almost on the territory of each recreation center there are small markets with fresh vegetables and fruits, souvenirs and bathing accessories. You can go to a large market in Genichesk. Who has no car, get comfortable on the minibus, which often go. We have always been on the car, so fish, wine and watermelons were purchased home before leaving in the genic - there is cheaper and more and more choice.

If you are boring just lying on the beach, you can go on an excursion to the Askania-Nova Reserve or a private ostrich farm. Even nearby there is an appliance, where they specialize in different diseases. Especially popular spine extract. It is not necessary to live on its territory, as it is expensive, you can just go for treatment, but to be based anywhere.

As for me, rest in the Arabat arrow is ideal, if you take the price / quality ratio. The only minus is the hungry mosquitoes with which the local authorities cannot do anything. But it is nonsense! The main thing is the sun, the sea, sand and good company!

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