Aachen independently for 1 day


When I lived 4 days in Cologne, 1 day decided to dedicate Aachen. Getting easy, trains go very often. At first, Aachen met me a beautiful station building.

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And then it rained ... Despite the lack of an umbrella, I boldly went without a card (I did not find info-books to take for free) towards the historical center. Naturally, I got lost, on the way there were rare attractions, all surrounded by construction forests and lifting cranes. And then I was still not in that place, not at that time. Sirens were sharply dried, and a small street, according to which I walked, police cars and motorcycles filled from all sides. It turns out that it was a clock on several peacefully sitting on a bench of young guys. In life it would not have thought that they are criminals. To be honest, I did not even have time to be frightened. But this event raised me a mood and morale.

And somehow I immediately found the right direction. The most important thing is that you need to see in Aachen (Germans, by the way, say "Aachen") is the Town Hall and Aachen Cathedral. That's when you understand why tourists seek here! These two amazing buildings are opposite each other in a small area. A little lack of distances to completely capture the buildings in the frame. It's a shame, but I got a battery on the camera, and it was necessary to go back to Cologne.

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Another pride of Aachen are ginkers: different shapes, with different fillers, painted as you like. I tried several tastes and bought a few classic gingerbread games for gifts and one in the form of Karl the Great. Aachen gingerbreads differ very much to taste from ours. They are solid and very fragrant. In the historic part of the city you can find several gingerbread shops, past the bright showcases of which is difficult to go without buying.

In order for the mood to be spoiled, as I, I advise you to take care of the map in advance or at least print it with Google. Go from the station to the Town Hall Square far and you can easily get lost. But the city is beautiful, interesting planes grow everywhere. Whether this is a variety of this, whether they are specifically cut to not grow high.

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