Route: Kilimanjaro Masai-Zanzibar


What words described Kilimanjaro Ernest Hemingway, not to say better and volume, everything is exactly. We were going to this desperate step for a long time, but could not decide. Nevertheless, it happened. He flew hard and for a long time, through Dubai, until they found themselves in Nairobi, but also the way was still not close to Moshi, this is the city from which everyone goes on a campaign on Kilimanjaro. We chose the easiest route "Coca-Cola". He lasted five days. What to say, you need to completely make aware that it is more hard work than entertainment. Yes, the first two days was beautiful and warm, at the foot of +30 Celsius, the higher, the colder, to -10 on the same Celsius. Be sure to take with you warm things, tanning cream, sunglasses, comfortable sustainable boots or shoes with thick soles, go to sharp stones, and better if the shoes will be at least 1 size is more, and even better The risk to knock down the legs greatly, and the place for additional socks does not hurt. Sometimes it is very cold. Take two pairs of gloves, and better gloves and mittens, so that we put on top of gloves, so you will save your hands. Be sure! Raincoat, sleeping bag, headlamp lantern and thermal underwear. We all took it, reading the reviews of the experienced, and we all came in handy, thank you to people who were advised.

Route: Kilimanjaro Masai-Zanzibar 21992_1

Route: Kilimanjaro Masai-Zanzibar 21992_2

From the third day, this journey was already for many difficult labor, of course, sparkling snow tops of the mountain, incredible plants, unreal striped stones-zebras, sunrises and sunsets were incredibly impressive, but we were already waiting for, when you finally return to the summer. Some sites are trying too hard and heavy to passage, to the word to say, not all reached the top, but who reached, rejoiced like children. And the blessed fifth day came, we went down, cheers! Received certificates about the conquest of the vertices, and happy, began to heal.

The next morning we were waiting for a tour of safari, we took a two-day along the Masai valley. Safari impressed us, we were lucky and we saw almost the biggest five in their natural habitat. Opened in a small camp, where local residents constantly came and tried to pull something. Birds Marabou came, very funny, and hosted in someone's bags, and at night, a local gang of warts, they spawned the bags with garbage on the camp. Local said that they could even enter the elephants, but the elephant did not go to us. Masai people are very colorful, they are bright, catchy and very harsh. Impressions got a lot, such a feeling that they were moving in the movies, and around unreal decorations, everything is so bright and unusual.

Route: Kilimanjaro Masai-Zanzibar 21992_3

We ended our journey with a trip to Zanzibar, but what about without a beach? Settled in a small bungalow on the shore, quite far from Stone Town, the capital Zanzibar, but the place of paradise in all respects, primitive and relaxing. There we received a complete relax from bathing in the ocean, contemplating coral life and absorbing delicious seafood in unlimited quantities for funny money, dinner for two all this variety of $ 15. For a long time, more memories will warm the soul, and even if I still gather to visit Tanzania, I will not see a dream to be rising from afar.

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