One-day acquaintance with a pompous vena


In Vienna, we arrived from Prague for one day and were met with a torrential rain. Thanks to him, I visited 3 cathedral and the imperial treasury, although I was going to just walk around the city. The treasury is so amazing the wealth of exhibits that I got a lot of pleasure and impressions. The ticket was then worth 10 euros, but on student ISIC I only paid 8. At the entrance, they give out audiohyda, but I did not work out to use it, for some reason, it was not about him at all about the exhibit. It is a pity that it is possible to take pictures only without an outbreak, but with my old photo camera, but through the glass frames were not very clear.

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I really liked the chief Cathedral of Vienna - Stefansdom - a majestic, high-end structure, surprisingly beautiful on all sides. Some parts were in the forests, but these and not surprisingly - such a big building must be constantly restored. In the main tourist places you can ride caters with horses. You can sit in a cafe and relax, trying the famous Vienna strudel and drinking it with a cup of Vienna coffee.

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The female part of our group ran to shopping, and I went to look for Tchibo store to buy coffee home. And on the road accidentally came to an interesting antique shop, where he bought half a kilogram of brands of different countries in just 5 euros!

And what a wonderful park with thousands of roses of different colors, sculptures and fountains I saw! I bought a huge ice cream and walked around the park, enjoying the smell of flowers. I did not want to leave completely.

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When it remained less than half an hour before the departure of our group from Vienna, I understood with horror that I was getting lost! And the map was, and the name of the street, where I knew, I could not navigate! It is good that the policeman met on the way, who pointed me the direction and spent even a little bit. Europe!

I would like to advise those who are going to Vienna: for one day you do not need to go to this big and very interesting city! So I went to gallop, did not really have time, and you will have to come back again. This is not a city of one day, Vienna needs to understand and feel.

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