Features of self-rest in Puerto Rico.


It must be said that the bulk of tourists, not only among our compatriots, but also all coming here, make their trips on their own. First of all, from the fact that in this direction our travel companies do not organize mass tours, and those small firms that offer rest in Puerto Rico sell far from cheap tickets. I specifically rummaged on the Internet and looked at what was offered in this regard. Some firms, ten-day stay in one of the hotels of this country, with flight and standard hotel, starts from five thousand dollars. By comparing the price of the flight, accommodation in this hotel, food and other expenses, it turns out that for the money that is asked for the tour, you can go around and see all the most interesting places of this country, stopping for several days in each of them. The truth came across such firms that offer a trip from thousands of more than dollars, but this is a completely standard holiday, in the usual hotel, by the sea. Apparently for this reason, tourists go to Puerto Rico on their own. I must tell you that an independent trip is much more interesting and the case is not at all that is cheaper it is obtained or more expensive. It is important, as they say, the process itself and the buzz received from such a trip.

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I agree that with young children, such a kind of recreation can create some difficulties, but with the right approach and the organization it is quite realistic to fulfill, may not with such a wide review of attractions, but still in their pleasure.

The first thing people who want to go to Puerto Rico on their own is the opening of a visa to visit the country. And since it is formally under the control of the United States and lives according to American laws (in fact, believing fifty first of its state), then you need to open a visa to enter the US consulate.

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Intermediary firms that help in a matter of visa, sometimes request simply fabulous amounts for their services, which immediately beat the hunt to go to Puerto Rico on their own, and go to the neighboring Dominican Republic or another State of the Caribbean, for which the visa is not required. But I can calm you that nothing complicated with the receipt of a visa, who independently collected the necessary documents, no and in more detail this can be found in the article "Visa to Puerto Rico. How much is and how to get?"

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Further, with regard to air tickets. There is also no special difficulty with this. Search, booking and purchase can be made on one of the airlines sites or those engaged in selling for flights to any directions. There are many such a lot of suggestions, both on the route of the following and prices. I can give one of these sites for example. Skyscanner.ru. Where in Early Booking You can find tickets on the route Moscow - San Juan - Moscow, from six hundred dollars per person. Immediately I will not be prevented that from Moscow to Puerto Rico direct flights there are not all flights with change (mainly USA). The goal of the flight takes from fifteen hours. I note that this site is not the only one and is given only as an example.

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Now a little about the real estate that can be used for accommodation, for the period of rest. The main thing is to immediately decide whether you will stay in one place, or travel around the country, visiting and stopping in different corners. If you are going to choose only one resort, then look at what you are more interested. Puerto Rico is a rather interesting country and there are lovers of beach recreation, water sports, eco-tourism and even shopping (from neighboring island states). So it also plays an important role. For example, surfing lovers prefer to stop in the region Port del Sol , on the west coast of the island. The beach is located here Maria's Beach , which is the center of this sport, although there is a lot of similar beaches in the district.

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Who prefers privacy and relaxing, choose the island of Culebra or Vieques. By the way, many fans of snorkeling and diving come to the lattice to admire the underwater world in the beaches area Playa Esperanza. or Blue Beach . Although Culelebra also in this plan is quite popular and also known for its beautiful beach Flamenco Beach With emerald color with water.

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So, let's return to the question of real estate. In addition to hotels in various levels, guest houses, villas, and other things, there are many private property facilities that are in great demand from independent travelers. First of all it is from low accommodation. You can also look after any of the options on the Internet, where there are a lot of sites offer various options, with the possibility of booking. I will not list the names now, you just have to score this topic in the search engine and quite a lot of information will be displayed. You can also read the review forums of tourists who visited Puerto Rico. There, they often exhibit addresses and contact information of those places in which they stayed. Prices do not make sense, because they depend on your choice, both the object itself and the area where you decide to stop. I just can say that the apartments are quite really found in fifty dollars a day, and more or less decent hotels from one hundred dollars, a double room (per day).

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And literally a few words about prices in Puerto Rico. Rent a car depends on the brand and class. The average price per day will be around 60-70 dollars. The cost of gasoline, at the moment, about seventy cents per liter. Such a low cost of gasoline affects the fact that local residents, like tourists, prefer public transport, personal. Many ride a taxi, which costs about one and a half dollars per kilometer. So much (one and a half dollar) is traveling to the metro in the capital of the country.

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Product prices are quite acceptable, and I would say that they are not very different from Moscow. There are of course the difference in some groups, but on average will match. Eating in the middle-level restaurant can be dollars for 10-15. Many use the services of Fastfund, where the eating will cost five to seven dollars.

As for prices for various excursions and other entertainment events, they are also largely dependent on the program.

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This is what concerns self-journey with this interesting country that you will accurately like. If you are not confused by such a long flight, which is the main disadvantage of such a trip, then collect suitcases and go on the road. Once again I will pay your attention to how to prepare for the trip should be in advance to pick up a good accommodation option, which is quite difficult to find in a high season, while saving at its cost. The same goes and tickets. Yes, and do not forget that the US visa can open for two or three weeks.

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