How to get to Grande?


The road to the island of Grande is perhaps the most difficult and tedious stage of travel, so in this article I want to tell how to try to reduce this time using the best route, and minimally meet finance. Sick a few possible options so that potential travelers have a choice.

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I'll start from the very beginning, or rather, from the flight to Panama. It is clear that much depends on the initial point of the journey, so I will not develop this topic now, and it will be generalized and take an example of an example of departure from Moscow. There are no direct passenger flights to Panama and various airlines make transplants in the cities of Europe, followed by flight through the Atlantic. But the Russian Aeroflot flies from Moscow to the United States and who decides to take advantage of this company, will make a transplant there, followed by the flight to Panama. Some flights and do two or more transplants at all. In practice, the lowest prices for tickets come out from airlines Air France.,

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Tap Portugal. and Netherlands KLM. . Basically, using one of these companies, the transplant is performed in the capital of the states to which they belong, that is, Paris, Lisbon or Amsterdam. If the gap between the flights is quite large, then you can walk around the city, but for this you will need to have a Schengen visa, otherwise you will simply not be released from the terminal building. The same story will be with a transfer to the United States, for which the visa of this country will be required. As for the Panama itself, for citizens of Russia and some CIS countries (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, and so on), the visa is not required and within three months you can be on its territory freely. Booking and purchase of air tickets, at the moment, the process is quite simple and does not take much time, as it can be done without leaving the house, simply using the Internet, where the sites of various airlines or those engaged in selling tickets are located. I will not advertise this or that site now to not offend anyone, just say that a ticket there and back (Moscow-Panama-Moscow), per person can cost from six hundred dollars (this is the price for which I found). The main thing in this business is to view as many such sites as possible as prices and flights themselves can be different, both along the route and its duration. The flight time depends on the selected flight, but the minimum, a total of about fifteen hours can take about fifteen hours. Every day, there are a lot of flights in this destinations every day, just want to warn that the search for tickets is better to do in advance to find the most suitable and cheap option. I think that everything is clear with this question, so let's go further.

So, you flew to Panama and landed (most likely) in the metropolitan airport Panama City Tocumen International Airport Or easier - tookumen.

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Next, you should use the vehicle. Taxi from the airport to the end item of the road route, town La Guayra. No less than a hundred dollars will come out (how to agree with the taxi driver).

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If you rent a car and get yourself, then the route will be the following. From the airport, Tokumen will need to drive kilometers twenty, along the central street of the capital, to the intersection with the highway No. 3 and turn right. After seventy more than kilometers (the road will take about an hour), you will get to the town Sabanitas. where it will be necessary to be attentive and not to miss the turn right where the pointer is located in the direction of the city Portobelo. . Having drove it, follow further on the same track (it is alone, do not make mistakes). From Sabanitas. , passing about sixty kilometers to be in the town La Guayra. . Here you can leave a car on guarded parking (three to five dollars a day) and get to the island of Grande on the boat. The cost of crossing three dollars per person, sailing (depending on which part of the island you need to get) from five minutes and more.

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If you take advantage of public transport (by bus), then the route will be the following. From the airport Tokumen will have to go to the side of Albrook airport, more precisely to the town Ancón. which is northwest, thirty kilometers. From him, in the direction of the city of Colon, follows the bus on which you will need to get to Sabanitas. which I wrote earlier and go out on the intersection where the pointer is worth Portobelo. (Ask the driver in advance and he falls out you in the right place). Here to sit on the bus going to La Guayra..

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The entire route will take about three hours and will cost, depending on the type of bus, from three dollars per person. Why I noted the type of bus, just there are usual flights, minibuses and tourist, which are more comfortable, but more expensive.

There is another option. This fly from the airport Albruck before Rehyonal Airport Enrique Adolfo Himenes which is located less than ten kilometers from the city Sabanitas. And then on the already named route by bus. But it will not save this time, and expenses will only increase, since the aircraft will cost no less than forty-fifty dollars, unlike two, bus spent.

Now let's summarize the above. So the following is obtained. From Moscow flight from fifteen hours, then by taxi to La Guayra. , about two hours and ten minutes by boat. The average cost (there and back) will be about nine hundred dollars and will take at least nineteen hours (registration, baggage, passport control and so on). The same route by the bus will cost dollars a hundred fifty cheaper, but will add extra a couple of hours. The rented car will be more expensive because the rental costs and parking fee will be added, but will save from the search and expectations of the bus, and the journey will give peculiar interest and independence from the schedule of transport communication. There are no problems with the search for a car rental, at Panama Airport there are several firms providing this service. The cost depends on the type of car, but it begins dollars from eighty per day. Outside the airport you can find cheaper, and with a longer period (week-two), agree on a good discount. I advise you to immediately agree on the proposed amount, turn your nose, such as expensive and want to ask other firms. I give a guarantee that you will not let you go to competitors and offer a more profitable option.

That's about such a picture turns out. It is once again saying that prices are indicative and can be both lower and higher, since much depends not only on your choice, but also of various conditions and circumstances. I wish you a pleasant journey.

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