What money is best to go to Uzbekistan?


If you wish to visit the real Eastern country, then you need to go to the Republic of Uzbekistan. This state is located in the central part of Central Asia, where many architectural monuments are located, one of the oldest cities in the world of Samarkand, and of course wears the glory of one of the centers of the Silk Road.

What money is best to go to Uzbekistan? 21848_1

So, if you are going to go on a journey, the question arises what kind of money to take with you, how to deal with bank cards and what currency rate. I will begin with the fact that the import of foreign currency on the territory of Uzbekistan is not limited, but regardless of the amount it is necessary to fill out a customs declaration. Also, if the amount exceeds ten thousand US dollars, the collection will be charged in the form of one percent.

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The monetary unit of Uzbekistan is the Uzbek sum. In one Suma one hundred tiynov. Tiyin took his origin from the Tiyin Triyin, which is translated as a protein. The fact is that even in the Middle Ages, the skins of the protein was equivalent to the monetary unit, thereby they paid some Asian peoples. Uzbek Tiyin, for a exchangeless monetary unit, was introduced from the first of July a thousand nine hundred and ninety fourth year, and began to be produced only in the form of metal coins, in the amount of 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 50 tiins.

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To date, these coins exist, but they are not used in the financial turn. From the first of August, a thousand nine hundred and ninety fourth year Sumy is the only legitimate monetary unit on the territory of Uzbekistan, in real life, in circulation there are bills with a par 100, 200, 500, 1000, and from two thousand and thirteenth years,

What money is best to go to Uzbekistan? 21848_4

In 5000 soums.

Upon arrival in this state, it is necessary to exchange money. Since, foreign currency (dollars and euro) can only be adopted in some hotels, taxis and tourist shops, in the remaining cases it is necessary to pay in Sumy. In Uzbekistan, it is best to take with us US dollars, Russian rubles in banks do not exchange. In general, in this country there is a course of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the CU), as well as the "market", the so-called "black course". As for the official course, according to the data for December 2015, 1 dollar is equal to 2820 soums, and the "black course" offers for 1 dollar 3660 soums. How to properly make money, you can contact the bank,

What money is best to go to Uzbekistan? 21848_5

State, foreign, or private, where your money will be transferred to Sumy at the official rate, for this it is necessary to make a certificate of personality - passport. Also, it is possible to ask for such a service in your hotel, a reception worker, where most likely, they will also consider at the rate of the CU. Or, nevertheless, come to the bazaar and exchange money from the currency at a more advantageous course, but do not forget that this method is not legal and pursued by lawful Uzbekistan. Although many locals and tourists, still choose the last way. Be careful not to change the initially much amount of money, as in exchange for a hundred dollars you will be given a big pack of local soums, you will not be able to change the currency back.

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Local residents have to carry with them the "bag of money" if they want to make a large purchase.

As for bank cards, they will pay them, or cash money, will be very problematic. As ATMs are available, mainly only in the city of Tashkent, and in the remaining settlements they are extremely rare. Various shops, restaurants are also not often equipped with terminals. Therefore, take care of in advance and grab your more cash with you. In any case, I hope my article will be useful for you.

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