What is worth looking at Konie?


Konya is one of the most ancient cities, with an extraordinary history, it can be bolded to call the treasure, for lovers to travel through the Turkish Republic. So, what to see here, interesting places is a huge amount. But I would like my story, start from the festival Dervish. It takes place every year in the period from the tenth to the seventeenth of December, in honor of the beloved Turks of the philosopher and the poet of Jelaladdin Rumi, who over time they called Mevlana (on the tour. Mevlana Celaleddin-I Rumi). He called everyone to patience, mutual respect and love for the Almighty. Every year in December, tourists and pilgrims from many countries come to Konyus. The dance of the dervish fascinates, the sacrament of which lasts three hours, accompanied by the music of drums and cane flutes.

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Conferences, exhibitions are also held and lectures are being read. Tickets for the festival are desirable to acquire in advance in travel agencies, because there are twice in price.

The main sights of the city are located very conveniently, in close proximity to each other, so unhurried, walking gait is quite realially bypass themselves without resorting to public transport or taxis. It is necessary to navigate to the Hill of Alaceddin, where the biggest and oldest mosque is located with the same name "Alaceddin Mosque". From there originates, the so-called "historical center" of the city. Konier contrast attracts the fact that modern buildings are also located here, so living in the twenty-first century, the locals are respectful about their history and do not forget about it. And now more about interesting places that you should visit.

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Alaceddin's Hill is a city park with planted beautiful flower beds, fountains are built and cozy alleys are laid. Prickly, as I said above, there is a mosque of Alaceddin (tour. AlgoDin Camii), from where the chic panorama of the city opens. After the arrival of the Seljuks on the territory of the current Turkish Republic, the Byzantine structures in the mosque were restructuring.

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The aslantine mosque is based on the Byzantine Basilica. The complete transformation of the mosque began in 1150, and the completion of construction is considered to be 1221, during the reign of Sultan Alaceddin Keykubata, whose name was and named. Inside, to this day, forty-two columns are preserved in the main hall, as well as finish in dark and light marble.

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On the territory of the mosque are the graves of eight sultans, including Alaceddin Cakeback, Masuda I, Klych Arslan II and IV, and others.

Also, it is worth visiting the Madrasa of a subtle minarer (Tour. İnce Minareli Medrese), the construction was designed by the Armenian architect galautom, in 1264-1265, during the Board of Sultan Kylych-Arsalan IV. By the way, the architect left on one of the walls a personal inscription. Schukudo went such a name, all thanks to the minaret, which was narrow and high, decorated with tiles, he had a rather unusual view for those times, but unfortunately to this day, an extractive appearance was not preserved.

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Special attention is attracted to the entrance in the madrasa, which is decorated with a stone carvings, where we have left a saying from the main book for all Muslims - the Quran. Up to the nineteenth century, this construction functioned as usual. But in 1901, a wonderful minaret destroyed lightning in it. Despite the fact that from 1936 to 1956 restoration work was carried out, the minaret did not hold. After the end of work in the building of the temple, a wooden and stone thread museum was opened, which takes Siters to this day.

Another architectural monument - the Madrasa of the raw, was built in 1242 during the reign of Giaciaddin Keykurreva II, by order of Beddadin Muslich. The courtyard decorates patterns from a mosaic of Golbugo color and a small pool.

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In the seventeenth century, Madrasa lost its popularity, and two centuries stood without need. Only in the nineteenth century in the remaining places, after downtime, a spiritual school was opened, where classes were held until 1924. And in 1960, a museum of the tombstones was founded on the trace territory, where the plates were collected, starting from the times of Seljuks to the times of Ottomans.

Turkey is one of the countries that are famous for handmade products. For lovers, admire the beauty of local craftsmen, in Konye there is a ceramics museum, which was opened in 1955 (located on the territory of Karatay Madrasa,

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Based in 1251).

Do not forget to visit the Archaeological Museum, where the exhibits of various eras are presented: starting with Neolithic and ending with the Byzantine time, and also finds, as a result of the excavations carried out in Chatalhayuk. Most of all attracts the sarcophagus, in which all twelve feats of Hercules are depicted.

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Museum for over a hundred years, in the current building it has been operating since 1962.

And at the end, I will tell about the Ataturk House Museum, this is a two-story building, which was built in 1912. It is also located in the old center of the city, initially this building was used as a governor's hotel.

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During his trips, Atatürk has stopped here repeatedly. In 1927, the urban management decided to convey this mansion as a gift Mustafa Kumary Ataturk. And after his death, the building was transferred to the power of local government. From 1940 to 1963, this mansion was at the disposal of the governor. And in 1964, the House Museum Ataturk was opened, where some personal belongings belonging to Ataturk, photos of which are depicted by his visits to the city of Konyus, as well as other items. You can visit the dining room, office and bedroom, where he worked and gave the first president of the Turkish Republic.

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