Rest in Baidayhe: How to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.


Getting to the resort town of Baidayhe from Moscow and other cities of Russia are the easiest way through Beijing or Harbin. To do this, tourists will first have to use air transport services. The flights from the capital of Russia to the tracks of interest to the travelers are carried out almost daily.

Air travel through Beijing

From Sheremetyevo airport in the direction of Beijing daily makes three flights, two of which are carried out by Aeroflot and one flight is performed by Air China. They start at 11:50, 18:55 and 21:30. The duration of any flight is just over seven hours. But the cost is significantly different. The cheapest tourist will cost a ticket for the morning flight performed by Airbus. Its cost will be approximately 29 thousand rubles. The Chinese air carrier will be ready to deliver travelers to Beijing for 40 thousand rubles, and a ticket to the Russian Boeing 777 (Evening flight) will take out more than just. Plus, on any weekday, departure to Beijing can be made from Vnukovo airport.

Upon arrival in the capital of China, tourists will need to be transferred to the train or bus, following Baidayhe. By the way, from Beijing Airport Capital in Baydayhe buses walk-shuttle. It takes 4 hours a trip to them, and by money bypass in 140 yuan. The first bus shuttle goes at 9:30, the last - at 21:00. The gap between the flights about one hour.

As for the railway transport, the high-speed train will deliver travelers to the sea resort in two with a small hour, and the usual train will have to go about 4-7 hours. The express trip will seem more comfortable tourists due to the presence of soft modern armchairs. While a short journey on the usual train leaves much to be desired. In the second-class wagons there are no side regiments familiar to Russian tourists, but inside the "coupe" instead of four shelves there are as many as six. And all of them are filled with wishing to build up with passengers. The windows in the wagons do not open, but the trains are air conditioned. Everything else as in standard trains of Russia and Ukraine - smoking is allowed in Tamburo and the toilet, at the beginning and at the end of any car there is a toilet room. True, instead of tea in Chinese trains, conductors offer passengers inexpensive dinners of 20 yuan for a portion.

And yet, travelers should be vigilant in order not to skip the stop in Baidayhe. In high-speed electricians, all information about the nearest station is reflected in the electronic scoreboard in two languages ​​- Chinese and English. In the usual train, if tourists are lucky, the conductor will report on the approaching stop in Baidayhe. That's just not all employees of Chinese Railways own English. The next surprise for travelers will be the duration of the train parking in Baidayhe. As a rule, the train is delayed at the railway station of the seaside resort for only 2-3 minutes. And during this time, tourists need to have time to get out of the car, because the next opportunity to get away from the train will be introduced only in an hour of the road. A ticket at a high-speed train will cost 80 yuan. The cost of travel on the usual train will fall out in 48-55 yuan. By the way, expressings are most often departed from Beijing's Central Railway Station, and tourists can sit on the usual train and at the Central Station of the capital.

Baidayhe Railway Station is not the end point of the route. What to say, a little tired tourists will have to suffer a little, before the long-awaited resort appears before them. The fact is that the station is outside the city, or rather, 15 kilometers from him. So from the station to the city center will have to get on a bus or taxi.

Rest in Baidayhe: How to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 21820_1

A taxi ride will cost 30 yuan. The main thing is to turn to official carriers. They usually stand on the right side of the station. Significantly cheaper will cost travel by public transport - bus. For 2 yuan (at the height of the season, the fare increases to 3 yuan) he will deliver tourists to the center of Baidayhe.

If tourists will have a desire to get from Beijing to Baidayhe by taxi, then you should be prepared for the fact that this little journey will cost 1000-1500 yuan.

Trip via Harbin

After making the flight or traveling by train from Russia to Harbin, tourists will have to transfer to local railway transport. From Harbin Station towards Qinhuangdao Trains go throughout the day - starting from 7 am. True by time the trip takes about 12 hours.

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After that, travelers expect another transplant to the city bus number 34 or No. 6, which will deliver them to Baidayhe.

Urban transport Baidayheh

Directly on the seabed resort buses . They go strictly on schedule. A trip within the city costs 1 yuan (in the peak of the tourist season - 2 yuan). Payment is made in the bus directly after landing. Moreover, money for travel is lowered into a special box and the driver of public transport has nothing to do with the receipt of payment. He even refuses to exchange money by passengers if necessary. So tourists should be asleep "trifle", otherwise the bus ride can do expensive.

Car movement in the city is weak. Mostly on Baidayheh there, here Taxi . Taxi drivers are inexpensive. From one end of the resort to another can be reached in 10 yuan. But despite the low cost, many tourists prefer to move on foot.

Rest in Baidayhe: How to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 21820_3

The most active vacationers if desired can rent Bicycles . Roads in Baidayhe are not bad, and drivers are surprising respectfully both towards pedestrians and cyclists.

Rest in Baidayhe: How to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 21820_4

Two-wheeled transportation item Tourists can find on Haining Road or Fifth North Road. Both offices give ordinary bikes and electric.

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