Rest in Bocas Del Toro: How to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.


Those who are traveling on a journey through the acquired standard tour, from one of the tourist companies, is not very interested in the question of the road to the destination, since it is solved in advance and tourists remain only to follow the transportation, without going into all subtleties and details. But as for independent travel, then things are quite different, and this issue should be paid to special attention, as it will not only affect the duration of the road time, but also significantly affect cash spending. Therefore, in this article, I want to consider the options for how you can reach the Bocas Del Toro, how much time will take and tentatively do in financial terms. Since the Panama monetary system is associated with the use of US dollars, then all expenses I will describe adhering to this one currency.

Rest in Bocas Del Toro: How to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 21806_1

First of all, in order to get to Panama, you will need to make a flight, because this country is located on the American continent. I will not specifically consider the sea route, as the permanent passenger flights from the European continent, as far as I know, not and get by the sea, and more precisely, cross the Atlantic Ocean, you can only on a cruise ship that makes our flights on the planned route, with an occasion of the sea Ports of different states. And it became possible to be this option. Of course, having an ocean yacht at your disposal, you can go on it, but this is the topic of a completely different article. And the use of passing shopping and cargo vessels that have the opportunity to take on board a small number of passengers, too, will also be ignored, although it saves some funds, but increases the road time for five to ten days (nevertheless, some experienced tourists use it ).

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For example, I will give an option with departure from Moscow. Direct flights to Panama, at least until recently, was not and all airlines make an intermediate landing at one of the airports of Europe or America. The cost of tickets can be quite significantly different and depend on the airline, the number of transfers, the availability of free places and other nuances. From Moscow, a large number of flights are performed daily in a particular direction, as a result of which you can get into Panama. For example, airline Air France.,

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landing in Paris and further next to Panama or Tap Portugal. , with a stop in Lisbon. By the way, tickets for these airlines, quite low cost and really purchase them dollars for six hundred, both end. Aeroflot makes direct flights to the United States and from there you are already flying to Panama. In general, quite a lot of options. Book and purchase air tickets at the moment, is not a great difficulty, and this is done using the Internet, without even leaving the house. Enough to go to the site of the airline or any other booking and selling tickets. All of them offer various options, both in the selection of flights and cost. I will not recommend that or other sites, as it is better to view than you can make more options to choose for yourself the optimal one. I will add only that the duration of flight from Moscow to the capital of Panama, depending on the flight, can take from fifteen hours and higher (including transplantation).

So, you got to the capital of Panama and landed (most likely) in Tokumen International Airport.

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To fly on, on the Bocas Del Toro, you need to go to another airport called Albrook. where domestic flights come from, and it is located in kilometers of thirty from the airport Tokumen. . The easiest way to get by taxi, which will cost in the Thirty dollars area. Tickets from Panama City to Bocas Del Toro, or rather the airport Bocas Del Toro "ISLA Colón" International Airport,

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Which is located on the main island of the archipelago, can be ordered in advance when booking on the company's website Air Panama. . You can use the services and other airlines operating on internal airlines, but this flights have more stable and in this direction several times a day. The cost of the flight, depending on the class, is located in the limits of seventy-five, to ninety-six dollars. It should notice that with a small time of booking time, cheaper tickets may not be available, which means that you will fly for ninety-six dollars. In addition, directly on the day of departure may not be free of charge, so it should not risk and book tickets in advance.

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Well, that's all, after forty-five minutes of flight you are on the Bocas del Torah. Next, the road from the airport to the place of your stay depends on what area you have chosen. If this is within the city of Bocas-Town, it's easier to get to the taxi. More expensive than five dollars it will not cost. Well, in the case of placement on another part of the island or one of the neighboring islands, then either by the bus or boat. The cost will depend on the distance.

The second option to get from the capital Panama to Bocas Del Toro is at the beginning by the bus that follows from Panama City to Almian or to David, and from there to Almian.

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Just want to immediately warn that the distance from the capital, to Almirante is more than six hundred kilometers and if you sit on the morning bus, you can not have time until you run boats to the Bocas del Toro. Therefore, if you decide for such a step, then you need to leave on the evening flight, which will go all night. The fare in the area of ​​12-15 dollars. I do not think that you will have such a grueling bus trip, the more even then you need to get a taxi to the pier that is five dollars, and twenty-thirty-thirty minutes by boat, to the Bocas del Toro.

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The boat costs from three to five dollars. So it turns out that in general, by bus, you save fifty dollars, but losing almost a day. In addition to boats, the archipelago has a steam that you can use if you are traveling by car.

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This is the painting.

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