What should you expect from rest in the Bocas Del Toro?


The Bocas Del Toro archipelago is a fairly popular destination among tourists from around the world, and their number every year becomes more and more. If earlier here, in search of exotic, a lot of Europeans came, now the main contingent comes to the Americans. It is clear, the distance from the states is relatively small, and easily overcomes any type of transport, including on yachts that can be observed off the coast of Bocas del Toro in a huge amount.

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Yes, and a large selection of diverse and inexpensive housing, perhaps the cheapest not only in the Panaman Islands, but also in the whole country, plays this not the last role. And what is surprised if the accommodation is offered, ranging from the ordinary tourist tent, to hotels and villas of various levels. Here is such a contrast. Moreover, many buildings, due to a narrow coastline, to which the mangroves are closely approached, are located right in the water, on the piles, and guests can swim in the sea, simply diving straight from the window.

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What do not say, but nature is amazing here, and not only sea, but also coastal. Who followed fifteen years ago for the development of events in the realistic show of the Channel One "Last Hero 1: Lost"? So it was filmed on the Bocas Del Toro, or rather on the island of Kayo Sapatilla. Now many tourists try to get to this island individually or as part of an organized group to look at the surveillance of the hut. Sea tours in the waters of the archipelago, with a visit to different islands, visiting their beaches and swimming with a mask and a tube, are pretty popular on the Bocas Del Toro.

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Who more like loneliness or secluded atmosphere, use the boat rental services, along with the captain, the value of which is depends on time. For an hour, you can find from thirty, to fifty dollars (depending on the size and power of the motor). But it is more profitable to negotiate for the whole day, because in a couple of hours there will be no everywhere and see everything will not work, especially since the price difference will not be so significant. Tour for the whole day, depending on your desire, will cost a hundred thirty to two hundred dollars. It is possible that some consider it not quite cheap, but at least you will not depend on anyone and act at your discretion. Believe that it is worth it. And even more so, if you relax the whole family or with your friends, then the money spent will look no such and large.

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Depending on what you expect from rest, it is worth and choosing a place to stay, because the Bocas Del Toro archipelago consists of seven large, more fifty small and huge amounts of marine shames and rocks. And most of the small islands are uninhabited. Want to feel like Robinson Cruise?

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There is nothing easier to spend your vacation on one of these islands, the truth is to be in full solitude, it is unlikely to work out, from a periodic visit to tourists, which and then appear on boats, in search of romance. Yes, and not all places can approach the stay of an unprepared and experienced person, as livestock here is inhabit the most different, and not always safe for a person. Take, for example, harmless and pretty, at first glance, frog Pumilio Or it is also called a dart frog.

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So, her poison is enough to kill up to two dozen people (at least it is written in the "Red Book"). And the "dartic" is called it from the fact that the Indians of Central America use her poison for hunting, impregnating the tips of arrows and darts, which even with a small scratch can cause a heart stop. Just do not think now that I am trying to scare you or make you give up a trip to Panama. Just warn you that you have to be attentive to not take strangers in the cookies, interesting animals and look under your feet, if you walk by the Bareshom, so as not to step on one of these creatures. By the way, during swimming, it is also necessary to do, because the shallow water is often encountered, slightly embarrassed in the sand and a huge number of starfiers.

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To be closer to civilization, it is worth choosing a place within the capital of the archipelago, the city of Bocas Town, where the international airport is located Bocas Del Toro "ISLA Colón" International Airport

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And in general, the entire infrastructure is concentrated. First of all, from the fact that there is a large selection of not only housing, a variety of class and comfort, but also various institutions, both cultural and entertaining. In other words, you will always have the opportunity not only to diversify your diet, but also rest. Yes, both prices, both in restaurants and shops, will be significantly lower here than in more distant corners. It is clear, the competition has always played a key role in the pricing policy.

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Getting to the Bocas Del Toro is not a lot of work. From the continental part of Panama, in this direction, there is a ferry message, as well as a rather popular type of transport as a water taxi that will deliver you within twenty minutes to the main island of the archipelago (colon), for three to five dollars. In order not to get a few hours by bus from Panama City to Almiante, from where the boats sail to the archipelago, it's easier to fly on the airport plane Albrook. In the Bocas Town, the flight to which will take less than an hour. About how you can get to the Bocas Del Toro, read the article on this topic. I agree that the road may take quite a long time (I mean from home), and it is one of the biggest inconveniences, but I think it is worth it.

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I must say that there is not only a large number of young people, but also family couples with children. It is not surprising, because for this there are all the conditions. Beautiful climate, warm and small sea. And most importantly nature and the surrounding calm. What else do you need to work perfectly? So stopping your choice on the Bocas Del Toro, you will not have to regret.

What should you expect from rest in the Bocas Del Toro? 21794_11

This video will help you better understand the beauty and beauty of this archipelago in the Caribbean. I wish you a pleasant viewing.

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