What should you expect from rest in Bangalore?


Bangalore (emphasis on O) is a big city in southern India. The city is not coastal - it is located on the decaned decoge, in the south-east of the state of Karnatak , whose capital he is. This is the third population of the country.

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Bangalore is dynamic and lively. This is one of the largest in the country of the Nauchny and Industrial Centers. And even in terms of literacy, the Bangalor ranks second in India. It's believed that The city was founded in 1537 When the local vassal in this place was built a fortress. To grow up the town became in the British era - from the beginning of the 19th century, when immigrants from all over the country rushed here.

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Actually, the name "Bangalore" is the historical name "Bengalur" converted by the British - so the town has long been magnified. And this name occurred due to the legend, according to which one important ruler was lost in the local forest and stumbled upon a cute hut. The hostess of the house was able to suggest the tired ruler only the basic beans. In gratitude about the hospitality of Granki, the ruler is invented to call it the place of the "Village Bobov" ("bendhakaalooru"). This, however, is only one of the legends and theories about the appearance of the beautiful name of the city.

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It is interesting that once the territory of the modern city was constantly under the influence of a variety of cultures confessed by the Hinduism, Islam. All this simply could not not affect the culture of the local population. For example, today Almost 15% of the city's population - Muslim (others - Most Hindus ). Indians are generally very affected by religion. The second most popular question after - "What is your name?" - Will: "What is your religion?". And God forbid, you say that you are an atheist. Well, this is so.

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The population of Bangalore, by the way, more than 8.5 million people, and the number of inhabitants slowly grows every year (because people from other states continue here). Therefore, in Bangalore people everywhere, get used to. but In general, the people are smaller here, in comparison with Mumbai , eg. In addition to the pretty central regions of the city, there are both slums - what to say: almost 10% of the population lives in slums. But this is a relatively low share compared to Mumbai (where half lives in shacks), again. Locals speak in the language of Kannada - This is the most popular language. Some talk on Tameil, Telugu; Hindi says a very small share of the population. But anyway, In English, express here , and not bad.

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Since the city is big, the real thing is happening here. Bed with transport. That is, it is infinite traffic jams blocking movement. Rickshah, however, ride the counter. And in general, with local ricksha men you need careful.

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Is the usual tourist in Bangalore? Of course. Although, for some reason, some comrades are the attractions of the city do not touch. Strange they, these people who are so expressed - how can all this be touched? After all, so interesting! It is worth riding and lay. Take at least Bangalore Palace which built more than 80 years!

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Or Sultana Sultan Summer Palace The 18th century is an amazing Islamic building, which is called "Rashk-E-jannat", which means "envy of heaven."

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And in the city there are several Parks, old fort, couple of very beautiful government structures, a number of museums and galleries, aquarium, park of butterflies, zoo, amusement parks, eco-parks, a bunch of temples, a few beautiful churches.

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If you want a drip of art, you can see the show of traditional South Indian dances Bharature - It is shown in some cultural centers of the city.

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It is a pity that the sights of the city are uncomfortable from each other are crushed. That is, there is no such a hotel that would be next to all the places you want to visit. By the way, about hotels - their bunch here . Seriously, problems with searching for housing suitable for your preferences and financial capabilities will not be at all. Housing options here, probably, not less than 600. Including, this is already 40 five-star hotels, of course, expensive.

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Nature surrounding the city is also peculiar and beautiful - Well, for example, what is only 100-meter shivanasamra waterfall! And also, as in any other big city, in Bangalore Very good shopping , especially if you run on the discount season. Whole streets of the city became common trading platforms with the most diverse goods.

Another plus of the city is his Pleasant climate . Due to the successful geographical position on the hill, the weather in Bangalore is soft all year (however, in the summer there is a fierce, and even sometimes it happens +40, but it is rare). The climate here is quite chading, "comfortable." Because of the climate, everything is broken in a lot in Bangalor. And Bangalore - City relatively clean (for example, in comparison with Kalkutta), on the streets especially not met monkeys, and cows on the roads a little (respectively, almost no cow "surprises"). For some reason, in some sources it is indicated that the Bangalor is an ecologically unfavorable city. Well, yes, the industry is very developed here, but there are a lot of good areas in the city, and Greens Raskidana everywhere . Sometimes Bangalore is even called the "Garden City".

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At night in Bangalore calm , Life seems to be freezing, because many restaurants and cafes do not work. Club life, however, is - The main place to know. Restaurants - a million, probably, there is everything (well, or almost everything - buckwheat is difficult to find). Of course there are still Light and water - Water may not give five hours a day, and the light turns off five times a day for two hours, roughly speaking. This is India, baby!

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Interestingly, many people make moving in India precisely through Bangalore, especially not interested in the sights of this transit point. Many go through Bangalore, for example, in Mysore, the third largest city in the state of Karnataka. He is famous for his many Hindu temples and mosques, as well as an impressive Mysure Palace. No, even the goal is this the most palace, and since the path passes through the Bangalor, then you need to use this chance. And in general, beauty - she is in the eyes of the looking, right?

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