What can I buy in Dharamsala?


The main shopping area in Dharamsala is the Macleod Gange. There, by the way, the most decent infrastructure in the whole city. In essence, the center of the Gandja Macleod consists of one area and two streets, which are entirely transformed into the tourist services and souvenirs market. That is, here you can have a snack, and knead, and try the Tibetan massage or manual therapy. And, of course, buy all sorts of things.

Also for different good, you can go to Indian-East Couslies Bazar. (Kotwali Bazaar), which is located in Lower Dharamsala (where public offices are also located, but for tourists everything is smaller). If your hotel is located, for example, in the village of Baghu, such a favorite "enlightened Europeans", then there are countless shops, where you can also purchase all kinds of products and souvenirs.

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What to buy in Dharamsala? Oh, here you can buy a whole range of handicraft products, including Wool products with an interesting Tibetan ornament, carpets, dishes, metal souvenirs, tank, jewelry ; Also expensive unique Fabrics produced in kangra on traditional technology and, of course, cheap Chinese Caps who save from the bright mountain sun. And still look at River pearl, aromatic oils and means of Ayurvedic medicine . And, of course, there is all that can be required by the Orthodox Buddhist - From a prayer rug for 100 rupees to the statuette of Buddha and a white container for many hundred dollars.

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On souvenir called "Tank" I will stop more. What is it, you ask? So here. Tank (Thangka or Kuthang) in Tibetan art is called an image, a greater degree of religious nature, which is made by adhesive paints or printed on silk or cotton fabric, which is prefeed in a special way.

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The tank can be the most different - from several square centimeters to several square meters. Large tank performs a whole group of artists (not surprising). The tank is often used in religious processions, as a decoration of the temple or in the home altar. Images are also different. Therefore, they distinguish: Tank Tsogshin (private teaching in the form of a tree crown with a central figure of the teacher or Buddha), Bhavachar Tank (depicting the six worlds of the Buddhist Universe), Tanka Maadla (schematic representation of the abode of various buddhas and idamov, i.e. enlightened beings) and Tank depicting characters of certain tantric cycles. In short, everything is on religious subjects. Perhaps shopping in Dharamsale will be incomplete without buying such a picture.

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You can also look forward to Tibetan carpets and rugs . They, I think, can well fit into the interior of your home - bright, with traditional motifs and unique drawings displaying rich Tibetan culture.

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In general, if you want to learn more about Tibetan craft and art, you can visit Institute Narbulinka (Moreover, this skill there can even learn - not to just buy in a bench in the territory).

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And you can also purchase, for example, Hat Shubas. (Traditional headdress of Tibetan women). Handicraft products sold in Dharamsala are created almost always only by local artisans - a direct reflection of unique skills and artistic skills of local Deltsov. For example, it's just impossible to stay and not to buy Bronze statuette of dancing shiva. clothing It's not expensive for sale, but, having frightened, you can pour prices for a third. Since Dharamsala - the city of Mountain, at night there is very cool, even cold (and sometimes snow comes at all), so, just in case (and at home it is for sure) you can buy Warm woolen sweater - Naturally, with the inscription "Tibet". It can be purchased somewhere for 300-500 rupees - at least for the sake of the characteristic Tibetan ornament and attributes, but afterwards it can at the same time save you from a terrible cold.

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Wood carved bamboo pieces Also popular among tourists visiting Dharamsalu, and not less than Silk and wool woven scarves and embroidered Kurt (This is such a free shirt that reaches the knees, which are men and women in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries).

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Do not forget to add Kangra Valley Green Tea to the list of purchases. This is tea with tea plantations Kangra, Valley, on the edge of which is our town. This tea refreshes and even it seems to be burtered - many are sitting on it so that they have to order tea with parcels from the factory.

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