What time is it better to rest in the Bocas Del Toro?


Panama's sub-screen climate and in particular the Bocas del Toro archipelago, in its temperature indicators, is not very different from the time of year. That is, if desired, the beach holiday can continue all year round. But, nevertheless, even in this case there are the concepts of a high and low season.

What time is it better to rest in the Bocas Del Toro? 21768_1

This is due to the fact that it was in the summer period, or rather from mid-April to December of the month, there is a maximum amount of precipitation in the form of tropical rains. And besides this, such livni is often accompanied by hurricane gusts of the wind. Of which it turns out that tourist preferences are more given for months from December to April. And since this time is a priority in the selection, the cost of living in this period significantly increases in price. Yes, and with a search for a suitable accommodation, difficulties may arise due to the increased demand of tourists. You can solve this issue through early booking, but judging by some reviews of tourists, there are unpleasant moments when the option of interest may be engaged, from which you have to focus on the spot and look for another housing in an emergency order. Therefore, it is better to take a few options in advance so that it is not rolling in different directions.

What time is it better to rest in the Bocas Del Toro? 21768_2

Literally two words about the Caribbean, washing the archipelago. The temperature of the water, even in the coldest period, for these standards, that is, in a high season of rest (from December to April), it does not fall below plus twenty-five degrees of heat, so swimming is always comfortable and enjoyable. And the lack of rains makes water cleaner and transparent. A great time to exercise snorkerling and diving, which is very popular here.

What time is it better to rest in the Bocas Del Toro? 21768_3

For recreation with children, it is better to come in March, which is considered the sweetest month in these latitudes. But it is quite suitable for any of the winter months.

What time is it better to rest in the Bocas Del Toro? 21768_4

You can save on accommodation, choosing a period of a low season, but bad weather can make it some difficult way to the final destination and spoil the impression of the rest. Therefore, it is better not to experience the fate and whims of nature, especially since the path to Panama is not quite close and cheap.

What time is it better to rest in the Bocas Del Toro? 21768_5

And also, I do not know how important this information is true, but it is said that in the summer months the water of the Caribbean is replete with poisonous jellyfish, contact with which not only is not desirable, but also is dangerous to health. So, in this regard, it is better not to risk.

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