What money is best to go to the contadore?


There is nothing to write on this topic, since the monetary system on the island of Contador, like the whole Panama as a whole, despite the presence of its own currency, is tied to the American dollar, which is used as paper money and walks on a par with a Panama currency. Local currency Balboa At this time, it is released only in the coin performance and more serves as a transparent and as a surcharge. The ratio of the course is strictly tied to the dollar and is one to one. So go to the rest is more convenient with US dollars.

What money is best to go to the contadore? 21752_1

I just want to warn that on the island of Kontador, at least until recently, there were no ATMs, so with you during rest you need to have cash. For accommodation in some hotels can be calculated by a bank card, but the rest will be needed in cash, so consider this fact. The fact that there are no banks on Kontador, it is natural. What to contain such an institution in the territory of three square kilometers and a population of a little more than a hundred people.

As you know, the Russian rubles will not need Russian rubles here and it is not worth counting on them. So, if you do not have a sufficient amount of cash, then take care of this at the time of arrival in Panama, where there are banks and ATMs, to then do not regret or not go to the mainland, to remove cash from the card.

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