What should you expect from rest in Chennai?


Chennai is a major city in southern India, on the shore of the Bengal Bay. This is the center of the state of Tamilad. And, for a minute, the sixth largest city of India. The city is old - founded it in 1639. Sometimes from local residents or experienced tourists can be heard that Chennai is called a word "Madras" . The fact is, the old name of the city comes from the town of Madradatnam, who chose the British East India Company at the basis of the next trading colony. And another town called Chennapatnam was south. Then these two villages merged, and the British to facilitate their lives, began to name the new city simply "Madras". However, since 1996, the city was renamed Chennai, because, at least, so they say) the Hindu Nationalist Party considered that Madras has Portuguese origin.

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By the way, the people lived in these territories for a long time - about these settlements is mentioned at least from the 1st century n. e. Today, this is not some small settlement there, but Huge, buzzing, ringing Indian megapolis And at the same time one of the largest ports of the country. Chennai is divided into four major district. For example, in the north - mostly industrial enterprises. In the heart of the city - business centers, offices. In the south and west - residential neighborhoods and offices of numerous IT companies. Chennai is the industrial city, if only because more than 40% of Indian cars are produced here. And here there are branches of many international banks.

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The fact that the town is really big, you will immediately guess as soon as you get here: noise, gam, motion, dirt . And here it is very hot, rather stuffy . This is a city by the ocean, so the moisture is intense instantly, plus the lack of wind makes this place some bath. Even winter Delhi is a pleasant coolness compared to this city (well, it would be in Delhi in the winter at night + 10-12). Despite the fact that the city is a major and fairly modern, people here often dress traditionally - often there are men in dhot and sarongs (to ventilate). Women, however, here more in European dress up (and still bloom) than, let's say in Sri Lanka or in the smaller cities of India.

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And yes, everywhere people. From human conversations (especially, for example, at the station, at the airport) there is noise and the gallege. One of the most serious problems of Chennai is Overcrowding . Here lives almost 7 million people (in agglomeration in general more than 8.5 million!)! At the same time, the construction of high-rise residential buildings is practically not conducted, so the city is simply spread - slums grow with terrible unsanitary conditions of life (but mainly on the outskirts). Live in Chennai, as in the whole state, mostly Tamila. They say they are in Tamil, but do not worry - here is also wide In common English.

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So what will be interesting to Tourist Chennai? Do I need to go there at all and what can you do there? Yes, Definitely, in Chennai to visit . Although in practice it turns out that the majority of tourists arriving at Chennai Airport are striving to leave this city as soon as possible and arrive at Ancient objects of Mahabalipuram . In Chennai, for example, Many museums, galleries And other places in many of which are free of charge. And the town can boast that there is One of the oldest museums in the country - This is the Government Museum (or Madras Museum; Open already in 1851 - and this is the second old Museum of India) with the National Art Gallery (open in 1906).

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In general, Chennai is a major Music Center, Center for Art and Culture in India , and it greatly distinguishes it from resort states. The city is known, for example, by its classic dance shows and festivals. Hexline Madras Music Season Festival Everyone is held every December-January collects the crowds of professional musicians - up to 1,200 performances from more than 600 masters! Or here Chennai Sangamam - Impressive festival of Tamil culture, the longest and most largest festival in India.In general, if we take into account tourists who come to a greater degree to the beauty of Mahabalipuram, who are in the UNESCO lists, then Chennai is One of the most visited cities in India . Chennai wines the gateway to the southern part of India and the starting point. In the lists of the most visited cities in the world of Chennai, it turned out to be somehow as much as 41st, which is not bad. Most of all there are people from Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, France and the USA. Russians, as you know, to more degrees fly to Goa on batch inexpensive tours, and they are content. The same one who risens travel to another coast, the city can offer all the conditions for recreation. For example, almost 400 accommodation options, including more than 20 five-star hotels . And still the whole A number of a variety of cafes and restaurants - Their number to calculate is simply not possible, because they are in general everywhere - and on the beach, and in all areas of the city.

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In Chennai there is even their own Colleigh , Analog Hollywood and Bollywood, Tamil Cinema Center.

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As well as available Zoo, beaches, parks, sections of wildlife, thematic parks - Beautiful places to relax from the noise and the pace of the city. Chennai coastline - a total of more than 19 km. Marina Beach , for example, in length 6 km and this is the second in the length of the city beach in the world.

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Shopping in Chennai Oh, oh how good! There are several large shopping centers Citi Center, Spencer Plaza, Ampa Skywalk and others).

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And Chennai is considered "Gold Market" India , so lovers of jewelry here will have very sweet and mentally. And since the city is large, there will not be absolutely No problems with pharmacies, shops at hand - And even the roads here are very worthy of quality! Although, as the megalopolis relies, navigate around the city on foot is difficult (But with different useful transport problems there will be no problems - Rickshaw, buses, taxis - all that your heart).

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In general, let the first impression of the city, it is unlikely to be positive, anyway, Chennai is a very interesting place for a curious traveler.

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