Krabi did not impress


I rested to Krabi in early November. The weather is already good, sometimes she was walking, but he quickly ended. As for the island itself, I will begin with the fact that, comparing the island of Krabi with other Islands of Thailand, such as Phuket and Phui Pih, I have some kind of neurwax and gloomy memories.

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So, coming out from the morning from the hotel and deciding to buy in the morning ocean I had a surprise when I saw some swamp in a beautiful beach, it turned out to be a tump, which we were completely not ready for, I had to look for a boat and go to the islands, who are far from the shore to relax normally.

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Arriving on one of these islands, unfortunately the name I no longer remember, did not write, we managed to buy literally an hour and water gradually and here began to move away, so I had to return. Upon returning, we were brought on a boat for 300 meters from the coast and they said to go out, and now you go all the ankle into some dirt, without seeing the bottom, feelings are terrible and very unpleasant. So we returned every time. On the island itself, we did not find any entertainment of interesting or end-reviewing, but here on the islands that are located near there is something to see. On the island there are many restaurants, cafes. On the way to the beach fell to some market, where they sell all kinds of fish, crabs, etc., prices are normal. Moreover, we practiced the purchase of fish in the market and asked in the restaurant to prepare for us, Thais, happily agree to this.

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Many hotels are built on the crack for every taste, and prices are cheaper than on Phuket. One-day visiting excursions were very pleased with different islands, this is perhaps the only thing I can recommend this island. Paying the excursion, you come for you, take away different islands on amazing beauty, feed, entertain and bring back, and all this, as for me for a very moderate fee, about $ 50 per person. Tolei is very responsible and friendly people. In general, this place must be visited at least once in order to see all this unearthly beauty.

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