What can I buy in Mahabalipuram?


Shopping in Mahabalipuram is quite interesting. There are many different workshops, where they are manufactured Stone products : from any elephants to gigantic, two-meter (and even higher) statues of different deities . And in Makhabalipurma you can buy cute Stone boxes , eg.

Canet souvenirs are abundant sold throughout the town, but Their largest assortment and most pleasant prices - on the Alley, which stretches stretching from five rants (stone chariots) to the mike . In the shops in the city center you can bargain. However, since prices are usually not very high, and many tourists seem acceptable, everyone remains satisfied even without bargaining. By the way, you can sit here for little money next and try something too. And in general, it is quite amazingly watching how from a piece of gray or pinkish granite, such gentle bends appear from white dust.

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It is a pity that most of the items in the beads of the stone races are about the same, just like netreoshki on the Arbate. Therefore, If you want to find something worthwhile and unusual, you need to go to the south of the town, for the lighthouse where the masters are more like a greater extent for tourists, but for locals. Here you can buy some elegant souvenirs, which, however, are more expensive than "boredom" in the center of the city center. But for the connoisseur of such souvenirs there is a real paradise.

What can I buy in Mahabalipuram? 21732_2

For example, beautiful Lamp for candles - Very beautiful - here you can handle about 600-700 rupees. Yes, approximately the same pieces can be bought in the shops on the Vestaja and Exemptions (that is, in the center of the city) for 150-300 rupees, but they cannot be compared with the "outstanding" creations at closer. In general, similar stone souvenirs can also be purchased in other areas and cities of India, but more expensive. So, if you look at Mahabalipuram, do not forget to buy such a cute thing for memory.

What can I buy in Mahabalipuram? 21732_3

Also in Mahabalipuram you can buy bags, some clothes, handkerchiefs And so on. Especially a lot of such good on West Raja towards Chunnai from Ottawaday - And besides the clothes, there are still industrial supplies and groceries. Prices in this part of the village are adequate, low, and merchants are much more willing make discounts than traders on the beaches spoiled by tourists, for example. Here you can buy yourself Ali-Baba Pants For perfect pennies - a very comfortable thing. You can buy, for example, headphones (seen and better, but in general, quite acceptable by the ratio of price and quality).

What can I buy in Mahabalipuram? 21732_4

A little away is located very inexpensive. vegetable-fruit bazaar.

What can I buy in Mahabalipuram? 21732_5

There is also a pretty gallery With the creations of the local artist and his studio.

On the towns of the town also goes bargaining . Local and sell unusual Beads and necklaces (In addition to pseudo-ethnic clothing). If such "Tsatski" interested you, then take a bargain to bargain, and then sellers, in the end, easily lower the price of almost ten times (for example, with one and a half thousand some Biryulk, they gladly give in just 200 rupees) .

What can I buy in Mahabalipuram? 21732_6

But nevertheless, the main thing is that it is necessary to purchase in Mahablipuram - it is the stones from the stone.

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