Best entertainment in Mahabalipuram


Nevertheless, Mahabalipuram is, first of all, sights. It is not surprising that here comes more often on a day tour, and the main temples and cultural facilities of the town are always full of tourists - not only foreign, but also local. But, nevertheless, in Mahabalipuram you can find something else, in addition to seeing ancient beauty.

Beach rest

The beaches of the town of wild, long. They are everywhere fishing boats, fishing nets, there is a sewage ditch, where everything flows into the bay, and, alas, garbage is lying with varying success. Someone in the sand has already formed whole puddles with some rotting mass. Sometimes dogs roam, and some of them are very sick with some kind of dog diseases and constantly itch and ride in the sand, which you have to lie. Decide yourself, whether you want to relax or not. In general, the beach directly opposite the tourist part of the city looks very unsightly - which is very strange that after all the locals earn exclusively in tourists. No, this is all that, it is quite suitable. However, Indians will always ride here - for them, such, forgive, the dump truck - Ugh, an ordinary matter. But still, on the beaches of the city of holidaymakers, as a rule, not so much.

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So what to do if it stopped in Mahabalipuram not for one day, but already a few, but do you want to sunbathe? Well, in this case it is worth To take off a few kilometers to the left from the glazed center of the beach towards expensive hotel complexes . However, it is not recommended to swim there, since there are insidious bottoms and rapid flows. Northern Beach - She's no European. Here the traders of souvenirs and clothes also go, there are rows of hotels, and for them - private plots of land fenced by fences.

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You can theoretically swim near the cape where Shore Temple - The beach is more and less picturesque and relatively (by local standards) clean. True, sometimes in the water there is too much livelihood, which can even burn (whether the fish, or the worms!). If you go to the right - the situation will be the same, but there will have to relax in the surfing with the mountains of Indian tourists arriving from the ladder. And, if you are a white girl, then a couple of gazes and hooks in your side feel. Well, plus, here you can entertain Indian: take a picture with a monkey, ride a pony, try samos. Evenings here too crowded - here they come to admire the sunsets, and the people here, especially on weekends, a lot.

But The southern beach is a wide and long desert sandbag which goes towards the Atomic Power Plant Kundakulam, but the company of white tourists, especially the Girl Company, is better not to surprise there.


It should be noted that the waves off the coast of the town are quite high and strong. So, here you can practice surfing. Moreover, this town is perhaps the best place in Tamil-Nadu to try surfing! For this case, contact the center MUMU SURF SCHOOL The coast is located between Dancing Waves Resort and Radisson Blu hotels.The main thing in this center is Mumu, of course, the local athlete instructor. He is very friendly, relaxed, positive and more than professional, and it is not scary to go to the waves for the first time. And in general, he is a local example for the kids: it allows children to ride with babe on his boards, if they help him clean the beach from the garbage. Damn healthy! In the lessons, girls are advised to be practiced not only in Rashgardah (that is, a sports compression T-shirt), but also in shorts. And bring drinking water with you.

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At the time of classes, your personal belongings to Mumu leaves a lock closet in his house, which is next to the surfing center (do not worry). By the way, it is possible to rent Rashgard if not his. Also, make sure that you have booked a lesson in the Muma in advance.

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I think that massage and other spa treatments, all the more, Ayurvedic is a mandatory part of the trip to India. This case in Mahabalipuram can be engaged in "Ayurvedic Therapy Center Ayush" Located at the Radisson Blu Resort Temple Bay hotel. In the department "SERENA SPA" Dr. Panir Selvam (Panneer Selvam) and Mr. Partha, who are spent with their guests phenomenal work: clear advice and real ayurvedic treatment.

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You can, in particular, recommend trying Maharma therapy, which is one of the subspecies of the Aurvedic massage, and, by the way, this is the most ancient known techniques for vitality. True, the prices for procedures are slightly overestimated, but this could be expected from an expensive good hotel. In the same center, by the way, you can try Fish massage (which is fish) and other procedures.

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