Where to go with children in Baidayhe?


Baidayheh is a good option for recreation with children. First, the soft and warm climate of this resort is suitable for young travelers. Secondly, a calm beach holiday, which is in principle, and family with children come here, easily diluted with visiting entertainment venues and picturesque parks. The town can boast a worthy set of interesting attractions and entertainment for ripples.

Zoo Safari Baidayhe

In fact, the zoo is located in the suburb of the resort town. Getting to it will work on the city bus number 34. The Safari Zoo has been working for more than ten years and during that time it managed to increase his possessions almost twice. Currently, about twenty sectors are located on three and a half square kilometers, each of which is assigned to a certain group of animals. For all, the zoo pets are created as close as possible to natural habitats. Some of them are at all without avoices, others (the most dangerous) inhabit the fence.

Since the zoo suggests a visit to the type "Safari", accordingly, moving around its territory on foot from tourists will not work. Visitors as part of organized excursion groups, as picked up, move along the zoological park by bus or car. The bus and a small train, which moves along the route with stops on their own traveler park services. Take advantage of park transport services for free, subject to the availability of an input ticket. So throwing into the urn, it would seem that already unnecessary piece of paper immediately after entering the zoo should not be.

In the first sector, which appears before tourists, prey the predatory cats - tigers, lions, leopards. Moreover, some of them have a rather rare color - white. And these albinos are of great interest among curious defensions. The next sector is assigned to the territory of wolves, bears and boars, in one word, forest inhabitants. Brown bears are very vividly reacting by transport passing by them. They get up on the hind legs and begin to begging for goodies.

Where to go with children in Baidayhe? 21722_1

Next, the train or the bus makes a number of stops, one of which is near the chapter with elephants, giraffes and zebras. By the way, in contrast to predators of these cute animals, it is allowed to feed. Camels especially like young branches of acacia, the giraffes also gladly fly acacia leaves. Well, you can buy a fodder greens right in place. The moment of feeding, if desired, can be captured onto your camera or camcorder. This action does not require additional fees.

In the following sectors, the zoo of tourists expect herbivores and birds - peacocks, pink flamingos, parrots, a vengeous crane and eared pheasants. Plus, all visitors will be able to get acquainted with the impudent monkeys, admire alligators, kangaroo and familiar children on the cartoon "Madagascar" Lemurov. By the way, pets with a striped tail kids will learn right away. In total, about a hundred species of animals live in the zoo.

Where to go with children in Baidayhe? 21722_2

A lot of wooden carved sculptures of animals have been installed throughout the Safari Park, there are several rides with attractions. In addition to everything in the zoo, a dance and music show is held at a certain time, which, frankly, will more interest adult visitors more than children.

Where to go with children in Baidayhe? 21722_3

  • Walk through the zoo will drag on three hours. The entrance ticket will cost tourists in 80 yuan. Visit this place will work on any day from 8:00 to 19:00. Moreover, the Safari Zoo works even in the winter. Here for thermal-loving animals, winter enclosures are constructed, in which the necessary temperature regime is supported.

Dolphinarium and Scientific and Cognitive Museum-Oceanarium

The modern Museum-Oceanarium works twenty minutes away from Baidayhe now for 15 years. It is considered not easy to entertaining place, and the national attraction of the country. The museum complex covers an area of ​​130 thousand square meters and consists of a hall with marine lions, a dolphinarium pavilion and a pool with sensory walls, accommodating more than 4 thousand tons of water.

During a visit to the museum-oceanarium, tourists will have the opportunity to stroll through the Staterian underwater observation tunnel, made of transparent organic glass. If you are lucky, then in addition to contemplation for multicolored fish, adults and children will be able to become the audience of an unusual show - dance of scuba dances with sharks.

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The visitors further expect a scientific and educational zone of the Museum-Oceanarium. On its territory, tourists will get acquainted with the inhabitants of the underwater world of Singapore and Australia. Everyone will tell everyone here than they eat and how marine mammals live, and will also tell about the importance of a careful attitude towards the environment.

The most interesting pavilions for children are located in the eastern part of the oceanarium. It is on their territory that colorful ideas are held with the participation of dolphins and sea lions. And the dolphins perform in the same pool, demonstrating the virtuoso tricks - jumping out of the water, football game, bows, singing. Sea lions, in turn, show amazing rooms in another pool. They catch multicolored rings, juggle balls, demonstrate a rack on the front flops, dance in water.

Where to go with children in Baidayhe? 21722_5

I voted the children can be fed in the restaurant running in the complex. True, most of the dishes submitted in it are prepared from seafood, but there are also a couple of people corresponding to the children's taste.

  • You can visit the oceanarium museum from 9:00 to 16:00. The entrance ticket costs about 110 yuan. To become the audience show dolphins and sea lions will be from Tuesday to Friday. Performances pass three times a day. The exact time of the show is better to clarify in advance, since it changes periodically. And yet, Dolphinarium works from May to January. You can get to the oceanarium on the city bus number 19, while sitting at the Sinao underwater world stop.


Unlike standard green parks, a visit to this will cause interest in children. The main thing is to plan a walk closer in the late afternoon, when all the magic of this place starts to reveal. The lantern park is designed based on old legends and national fairy tales. The central part of the park occupies a swampy lake, go through which is offered by bridges and artificially created paths.

Where to go with children in Baidayhe? 21722_6

The highlight of this place is the magic palace with secret doors, secret niches, a mirror hall and statues of fabulous characters. You can get into the palace in several ways - by passing a labyrinth or overcoming the underground tunnel. With the onset of darkness, the palace and the park is illuminated by a special backlight that creates the effect of mystery.

Where to go with children in Baidayhe? 21722_7

  • Children evening adventure in the park lanterns should like. The entrance ticket to the Park for adults costs 35 yuan, for children with an increase of 120-140 cm - 15 yuan, for kids, the input is free.

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