Features of rest in Panama


In recent times, Panama is visited by about two million people a year, and this amount is gradually increasing, which indicates the popularity of this direction among tourists, not only from both American continents, but in the whole world. In my opinion, the cancellation of visas plays a small role in this, to visit the country, a number of foreign countries, including Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, and so on. This is a very positive factor, since it saves not only some financial resources that went as a visa collection, but also time for its discovery. In principle, this is not surprising. In order to attract tourists who bring considerable income into the country's economy, almost all of the Caribbean states were received, for some of which it is the main budget replenishment. Moreover, it is for the country C, in fact, by the American Board, in which even if there is an own currency, the US dollar is mainly used (as paper money, and the local currency of Balboa is made in the form of coins and is equated to the American dollar).

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Although for tourists it is another positive moment that saves the bank's search for currency exchange. You can even note the fact that three years ago, in the annually published list of countries recommended for visiting, Panama was in the first place. And it is not good because this country is interesting, diverse and rich both historical and natural attractions that are quite a few. I will not describe them, because it is told about this in other articles dedicated to this topic.

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Now it concerns prices. On average, prices are very suitable for both accommodation and food, various goods and transport. For comparison, apartments or room in a cheap hotel for two can be found from twenty dollars per day. Although it all depends on the place of residence, district and type of real estate. Eating in a small café or restaurant, the main visitors of which are local residents, from three to five dollars. Fruits also stand from one dollar per kilogram. Beer 0.5 in the store is for sale on the dollar. Water comes out less than two gallon dollars (almost four liters). As for gasoline prices, it comes out of 0.66 cents per liter. As you can see, quite reasonable prices and this suggests that it is possible to come to Panama not only on the tour of the tourist company purchased, but also independently, by the way, many are doing.

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It must be added that an attractive factor is a variety of places where you can spend your vacation. In addition to the coast of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, wash Panama, there are amazing places in the depths of the country, some of them are transformed into national parks and reserves. They are of great interest among lovers of eco-tourism, which becomes more and more more and more.

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So not only a beach holiday in priority. Although it happens different. In the capital of the country, with the title title of Panama, and its surroundings, there are many fashionable hotels, prices in which they start from two hundred dollars a day per person and above.

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And in the neighborhood you can find a fairly budget option (from ten and fifteen dollars). But this applies not only to the capital, as steep hotels and numerous villas, in which daily accommodation can be more than a thousand dollars, are located on other Panama resorts. This is me to the fact that someone does not imagine a rest without night parties and real shopping, it is to choose megacities. It is just another type of beach holiday, more relaxed and secluded, and for this in Panama have all the necessary conditions. Take for example the archipelago Bocas del Toro or Pearl islands where a lot of islands, almost in its original form, almost untouched by civilization.

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Or such as, for example, island Contadora , with traces of the recent, but nevertheless abandoned, for a number of some reasons.

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There will be no problems with moving around the country, since the transport system is well developed. These are bus messages on the continental part of the country, as well as air and sea routes between the islands and the mainland. The fare is low, although tourists complain about taxi drivers that they are trying to constantly deceive and turn the amount. It is worth paying additional attention to this in order not to spend extra money that can be used and more interesting purposes, such as excursions or a walk on the yacht along the coast.

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Yes, you never know what else you may need money during vacation.

For family holidays with children, Panama is a completely acceptable option, because both the beaches and everything from what such a journey can depend, it is ideal for this. The main difficulty, in this case, can be the road, or rather a long airfare, with possible transplants (sea cruise in this case we will not affect). With children, especially small age, it creates some difficulties and inconveniences. But, as an option, it is not worth excluding such a tour, especially if you correctly approach his organization. In the end, the flight to Cuba or the Dominican Republic takes almost the same time. Advanced training (in the case of individual travel), will give time to find the best option for flight option, both financially and the facilities of the flight, with a minimum number of transfers and waiting time. And the population of Panama, unlike the above-mentioned states, is more English, and this is also a small plus, since not all our compatriots own Spanish, even more correctly say units.

That's what I wanted to tell you in my story. I think that this country that shares its Panaman Canal Two continents, you interested and attracted.

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In no dependence on how you visit Panama, be it an organized trip or independent travel, impressions and emotions will remain for a long time, like memorable photos or videos, following the example of the one I want to demonstrate to you at the end of this story. I wish everyone good luck !!!

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