What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram?


Mahabalipuram is a small town in Tamil Nadu, that on the coast of the Bangale Bay - on the so-called, Koromandelian coast. The city is very old - all sorts of megalithic burials are still with the dawn of the Christian era! And found chinese and roman coins of the 4th century AD Prove that the city was an active world trade center at the end of the classic period.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_1

According to local guides, the name of the city has changed during the centuries. The first name was Kaţalmalai, which means "Earth between the Mountains and the Sea" in Tamil. The second name is Mamallapuram, which means the "Earth of the Great Fighter". So it is called today and today sometimes. The fact is that in the 7th century n. e. Pallava came to power on these lands - they made the city by the main port of their kingdom called Mamallapuram (scientists suggest that they were named after one of the kings). What they were for Pallava and what kind of ethnicity were they were - on this matter there are a lot of disputes, they don't even know to this day. However, be that as it may, the rulers accepted the Tamil customs and culture quite soon. The third name of the city, Mahabalipuram, means "Land Mahabali". According to Legends, this Mahabali was the grandson of the honored Hindu saint named Prahlad.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_2

The most interesting thing happened just during the reign of these Pallavs - from these times, a number of unusually entertaining sculptures and objects of architecture were preserved in the area of ​​the city.Here on these miracles in Mahabalipuram and come to admire - well, where else will you see gigantic rock reliefs with the paintings of repentance of the Arjuna, the hero of the ancient Indian epic "Makhabharata"? Well, or five huge stone chariots-churches cut from a whole stone? By the way, one of the temples of the city in 2004 was washed away into the sea in the moments of a terrible tsunami, which generally had a lot of things in the Asian countries, but the temple, thank God, restored. Because a lot was destroyed, along the beach now stand new and clean hotels that in India is not so often.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_3

But back to the sights. All of them are included The list of World Heritage Site . Not bad, yes? Well, by the way, among the Asian countries, India ranks second in the number of protected UNESCO objects after China (in the Asian part of Russia 10) - they are 32. By the way, about tsunami. It is very Beditis the imagination that the Stage from the 18th century in the literature began to appear reports that most of the ancient Mamalpuram is located today under water.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_4

The modern city of Mahabalipuram was created in 1827, in the Epoch of British Valida. Today is small but famous city With a population of about 12-13 thousand people. The town is small, and get lost here is difficult. But the place is interesting: and the bay with the beach, and the shurning, and fish restaurants, but most importantly - Ancient objects.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_5

Getting to the city is very simple - on buses from Chennai, Chengalpattu, Kanchipuram, Terutani and other cities. The nearest airport is Chennai - from him to Maha just a half hour drive. In general, most travelers prefer to Mahabalipuram to quickly be in Mahabalipuram, but in Chennai, you can find a couple of sights, although in Mahabalipuram they are more impressive. In addition, Chennai is a big, noisy, dirty and even a little smelly city. Still - the fourth city of India. But I would recommend to be and there from the day.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_6

Basically, All attractions of the town can be examined in one day , and the whole city (or, rather, the village), you can bypass the pawnies per hour. Therefore, it is more often coming here not to a long tourist holiday, namely, for a very informative and rich excursion. So, get ready for local landmarks in the morning, whole Indian villages are planted, swallowed in the most festive rides.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_7

Yes, Mamallpuram is a place popular not only among foreign travelers, but also among Indians living in other states. Therefore, temples and caves are often clogged with crowds of people. By the way, you can go to them for free and better in the morning, as the sun illuminates them in the desired perspective, and you can make beautiful photos. And here there is a whole Street sculptors : Here they live and work sculptors - they draw inspiration, it seems, in the richest Indian Flora and the fauna of the indispensable number of local gods. Here is the exhibition - so the exhibition!

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_8

However, some prefer to spend more time in the town. Well, why not? The city is cute and quiet. In fact, it is the resort and the whole "excursion people" in the evening leaves. Beaches Maha Wild, long - stretch a few kilometers, filled with fishing boats and garbage (alas!), But you can swim there, especially if you move 300 meters to the north (for example, to the right of the coastal temple).

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_9

There are local youth in the water, and by tradition, women and adults are rushed at the water edges of the water. Moreover, local assures that in the coastal waters it is impossible, because the fish and snakes are found here, which can tear meat slices. " Maybe this warning refers only to the monsoon period, I do not know, but some rubbish really can leave burns. The Beach roam the stakes of the Hindus and photograph on the phones of white tourists (more often than tourists, of course).

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_10

Can rent a bike For several dozen rupees, however, traffic on two or three available streets of the village, oddly enough, crazy, so cautious. Night city is quite cute and calm. You can sit in one of the numerous cafes, for example, to drink inexpensively beer. In general, everything in this city contributes to a relaxing relaxing holiday. Mahabalipuram Features very similar to Katmand, more precisely, his tourist areas - as much as Tomny, calm, full of merchants (especially the streets of Pahar Ganja and Tamel), with whom you will certainly meet and you will greet and chat at every meeting, full shops with really rare things.

What should you expect from rest in Mahabalipuram? 21710_11

It is impossible to compare Chennai and Mahabalipuram - in the latter there is absolutely no urban indian tension and a stupid attachment. In short, in Mahabalipuram just nice to be!

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