What do you need to know going to rest in Visakhapatnam?


If you arrive in the visa, you will certainly be impressed by the number of people who perform such simple functions - the task that in our Airport Performed by one person, it can do four right here, if not more.

What do you need to know going to rest in Visakhapatnam? 21684_1

We are going to the city. On a paid road (And in this country there are also paid roads, but they are especially broken in the visake) usually stands, but here this case is employed almost eight people: one slows down the car, the other takes the money and transfers their cashier, well, so t. d. And all these people are men, because women, apparently, at this time we carry buckets with water on the head. What is me about women - read below.

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Going further. Every single transport in the visa lot, however observe traffic rules there - as if not commilfo . That is, immediately on the road from the airport, you can face the fact that the overtaking of any kind of transport that prevents driving, with departure to the oncoming lane through a double solid - it is generally normal. So, try not to work out for the time of the trip, breathe exactly.

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In addition, it seems that local drivers seem to imagine that you can generally ride shustra, rather than 50 km / h. Another problem is heavy Trucks . Moreover, in the evening and at night, the driver of the truck may not include the headlights at all - you need to save light bulbs! In general, the concept of safety in this amazing country is absent as a class, that is, absolutely. By the way, in the event of a collision, the truck continues to go as if nothing happened, and the car was defeated by him remains to stand / lie on the track. And, by the way, - signs everywhere hang, markup is applied. And with the whole totality of these facts Accident almost never happens . Here is also a mysterious fact!

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Now we walk through the visa. It is worth noting that the situation is gradually shifting for the better: another three or four years in the city stood a terrible stench from local rivers and a bunch of garbage everywhere. However, today it is already possible to see that the garbage quietly is cleaned, treatment facilities appear - thank God, the smell almost all disappeared - except that there are still there, there are still there. But Foolish habits of local - And the Hindus as a whole - remain. You can see how somewhere the Hindu urins the groove, straight up with a fence or wall.

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And no one is surprised at all this work. Not to mention some fines for such things. And about the fact that you need trash to convey to the appropriate place to throw it there, does not and speech. That loves they all beautiful to litter!

What do you need to know going to rest in Visakhapatnam? 21684_6

Some complete, total indifference to themselves. Starting some indisciencement to its history and ending with mud on the streets. Such a country rich on beauty is so neglected. It seems to be local residents absolutely to drum on all sorts of environmental issues.

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We go on an excursion. And there is a very interesting system - it is impossible to shoot on large photos. No, it's not everywhere - remove the sake of God, on the hills and streets. And, for example, if you go to the local Bollywood - Tellud, then it is stricter. You can remove the phones and on different compact soapons, and it is impossible for a large technique. That is, as it is impossible - if the guard stares, it is impossible. Is that allowed.

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By the way, there is a new road in Telwood, surprisingly very good. But in the city itself, as you already understood, broken, besides, People sleep on the roads . Not just separately lying beggars, but directly whole families, with newborn and miserable sacrbus. Looks, of course, crazy - get used to it.

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By the way, about the roads. Road works in Visa - it is interesting. The fact is that about a year ago (at the time of writing steadms) over the coast, a hurricane, who spoiled the type of local parks, roads, streets and everything else was swept over the coast. Recovery is still going, although today everything looks much more decent, much better than it was immediately after trouble. And these are the repair work, which can be observed here, very atypical. Because there are active participation of women - for example, cheerfully laid crushed stone on the road, having previously broken into small children. And in the construction of houses, cute ladies, for example, wear gravity on the head.

What do you need to know going to rest in Visakhapatnam? 21684_10

Not just there a couple of woods, but straight bricks. Still! And with this "cap" a woman can, for example, go to the fifth floor, and on the roof. Buckets from under the solution are also climbing on the head. Impressive and terrify a bit. Yes, of course, in the visakers, and in India as a whole in Prints such a huge number of people who make a simple simple work . Or here: the asphalt on the jog. And so, two Hindu scrap rape the old coating - and so quietly, lazy, three days. And this is despite the fact that there is a bulldozer nearby, which could perform this tedious work for twenty minutes! In short, it's amazing all this.

What do you need to know going to rest in Visakhapatnam? 21684_11

What do you need to know going to rest in Visakhapatnam? 21684_12

And about the roads. Local population rides mainly on motorcycles . Motorcycles are all local productions, look, by the way, is pretty. Local ladies move in vehicles only as passengers, either independently, but only on the mowers (such mopedes). And, by the way, on the roads not a single Kitaian car!

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Pedestrian crossings On the roads are discharged, but the drivers about them are naturally forgetting safely. So, be careful, well, there is no need to indignant.

Concerning Local residents , I can write about them for a very long time. If you briefly, the Indians are doing very slowly and somehow carelessly. Especially if you do not customize them. Umprunities are visible in everything - that's even in five-star hotels in the city there may be some traces of cement on the walls in the bathroom. And also local - forgetful. Apparently, a very hot climate has influenced. However, surprisingly is kind and very responsive and smiling people. To the "white" tourist here refer to respect and incredible reverence; Some are trying to touch (for good luck), sometimes take pictures and ask for themselves to take pictures (with a white tourist, in the sense), they give to hold the babies. At times, it seems that you are a movie star. Autographs, except that they do not ask yet. Well, maybe when Vizak still in five years will become a more popular resort, such a furor that causes a white tourist, will disappear. In the meantime - so.

What do you need to know going to rest in Visakhapatnam? 21684_14

With crime and ordinary pocket thefts in Vizak everything is fine. That is, they are almost no. Unlike Goa, let's say. That is, here you can safely walk in the afternoon, and at night, without fear for the safety of your own healthy. But the girls, of course, is better at night at night, you never know!

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