What can I buy in Egypt?


It is impossible to leave Egypt with empty hands. The atmosphere itself, reigning in the eastern bazaars, pushes to the purchase. So I want to take some more little thing to please the relatives or employees. The lowest prices in Cairo, at the Khan-El Hali Bazaar. If you compare Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, then the overall price level is lower in Hurghada.

Now that you can buy. Going to any bench, eyes scatter, because every centimeter is busy on the shelves and walls. Here and unpretentious souvenirs for a couple of pounds and papyrus with carpets for hundreds of dollars. Most things are made in ancient Egyptian style, painted by hieroglyphs and national drawings. Filuettes of gods and pharaohs are visible from everywhere. Let's try to highlight the main types of goods:

  • Papyrus : from small bookmarks and calendars to huge paintings. Carefully look at the paper: if it is inaccurate and totnoes, then most likely it is a fake from rice paper and banana leaves. To buy a papyrus with a quality certificate, go to one of the papyrus institutes. At the same time, see how real scrolls do. When choosing a picture, be sure to specify the value of each pattern, since the most oppositely familiar value for us is drawn.

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  • Fabric and clothing : In the markets many national costumes, comfortable for socks in the heat, there are not bad bedding and towels, a variety of scarves and scarves. Well, how not to buy a belt or a whole outfit for a belly dance?
  • Carpets - Purchase on an amateur. It is worth watching carpets not only in the bazaars, but also during excursions with a visit to Bedouins.

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  • Leather Products . Price on bags, wallets and shoes sometimes several times lower than here.
  • Stone products : figures of gods and pharaohs, mortar, candle holders and vases. Beware of fakes, for example, the gypsum product will give itself a white scratch under the layer of paint, if you only scratch the figurine with a nail.
  • Glass products : glasses, vases and beautiful tanks for perfumes and oils that can be bought in adjacent shops.
  • Copper / Brass Products : Plates, mugs, trays and candlesticks with chased patterns.
  • Jewelry Of gold and silver, many natural stones. The Cartouces, in which you enter the name with gold or silver in front of your eyes, cast instead of the hieroglyph letters. On the reverse side, you can ask to add scarabs, ankh and the eye of the god of the Republic. Such a suspension will become a wonderful gift and amulet.
  • Wood products : Chess, backgammon and other sets for games, caskets and photo frames. Such products are often decorated with pearl and beautifully painted.
  • Hookahs (Shisha) : Real and souvenir, different sizes and with several tubes. To check, you can ask to check in place. For transportation, disassembled and packaged in special bags. Do not forget to immediately stock coal and tobacco, because we find them difficult and the price is more than more.

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  • Musical instruments , especially the drums, will most please the little travelers.
  • Spicy - All of them is impossible to describe them. Here you need to choose from your own preferences.

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  • Tea So popular that it is worth remembering it separately. The most popular red tea carcade from hibiscus colors (buy only entire inflorescences!) And the yellow chelba tea, similar to granules or a barrier, helping with hundreds of diseases.
  • Oil It is better to buy in some stores from factories where there are departments with perfumery, incense, oils and essences for every taste. In a perfume department, you will find bubbles with flavors that copy the most famous global brands and with national compositions. For therapeutic purposes, mint, eucalyptus, lotus, sandalwood and others are suitable. Check the naturalness of the oils can only be drunk a couple of drops into a whole bank of water. Drops should remain the oil stain on the surface, a resistant strong smell will appear. If you drop the oil of mint or eucalyptus, then there will be no trace from the cold!

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Fascinating shopping Do not forget that from Egypt It is forbidden to export Corals and elephant bone, up to the arrest and fine.

And separate joy - bargaining ! For each seller in the bazaar, the case of honor to bargain with each client. The real price of the goods in the final purchase can be at times below the original one. In addition to sharing, digits usually acquaintance, tea or coffee is offered. During conversations about life, there may be a clock if you are in a hurry. But then you will be with the seller with the best friends, receiving it not only a good price, but also many interesting information. Sometimes bidding can be interrupted with accurate care, then the seller usually still lowers the price. I do not advise you to speak with the Egyptians in the indictment or lift the voice. As soon as you do that, then all the surrounding will significantly cease you to notice and at the same time will deal with speak Russian and in English. So reserve patience, smile and forth for shopping!

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