What to do on vacation in Vishakhapatnama? Best entertainment.


Beach rest

The beaches in the visa are excellent, but you should not swim there, as dirty. But the embankment is long, and this is a place of tourists and local. The beaches are equipped with children's playgrounds and small bars. You can walk there and need, especially if the hotel has a coast. As for the mud - it seems, the Hindus and here are true to themselves: if there is an intensely beautiful - it is necessary to immediately litup. So to speak, to support the balance in nature. This is already annoying - disrespect for the purity of the streets and beauty of nature. Very original country, but very narrowed. At the same time, people smile, referring to everything.

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But oh well. For swimming in the visakers, the optimal option is to go beyond the city, on the nearest beach called Silver Beach (Silver Beach). It is located 15 minutes from The Park Hotel), and even better - Bimali Beach (Bhimali Beach), located 30 minutes from this hotel. Well, or Yarad Beach.

- Silver Beach

Beautiful sandy beach. Sand, of course, not particularly "silver", as it could seem out of the name, but better than on the city beach. On weekdays, there is quite calm, but on the occasion of the weekend the people of the local with a handful of tourists there are many. The order that no one seems to be going to violate the police guarded. At about 4 o'clock in the evening, it is no longer allowed to swim - polismen are taped with bamboo sticks, symbolically thickening to boys who do not want to get out of the water. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that at five in the evening it is already darkened, and it becomes unsafe in the waves to swim in the waves, besides, the waves in the bay are quite high and dangerous. In addition, the water here is cooler than on the opposite coast (where Goa). And at the same time, the sun fries no less, of course.

- Bimali Beach

Beach minutes to 40 drive from the city center, at the mouth of the Greeting River, you can get, without much difficulty. You can drive, for example, by bus with Dwaraka Bus Station. Bimali and at all, it seems like, the oldest city in the field of Vishakhapatnama. Here, by the way, there are much less tourists - it is immediately felt that a white man here is in the wonder. By the way, there are practically no hotels here. The nearest city in the north is visualagars, you can stay on the night there, and at the same time take a walk.

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Once at the mouth of the river, where the beach is located, the East India Company and the Dutch East India company has trading ports. Today, the administration of Vizaga tries to promote this area as a beach resort, drawing up the so-called beach of Beach on Visakhapatnam-Bheemili RD with the entire infrastructure for recreation. I also advise you to immediately call Divi's Bridge. (Bridge DIVI) that a little north of Bimali beach - there are excellent photos there, however, it seems to swim there I do not advise, besides there is nothing for children, but also there are no restaurants there.

- Yarada Beach

Yarada Beach is closer to Doltin Nose, about 40 minutes south of the city. This is a beautiful beach, far from the worldly bustle of the city, actually located in a large bay among the hills near Visag.

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By the way, and the road to the beach is also very pretty. However, there are no hotels or restaurants on this beach. It's just a beautiful virgin beach.

Fish Port

On the naval base of you, of course, no one will let, you can not even try to crawl, even if it is very interesting. But the city port of the city is available to each wishes. Just immediately prepare for the fact that the fish stench plucked the nostrils. Some do not find any romance here and, clinging her nose, wish you quickly twist from there. For others, this is an extremely colorful place. The children of port workers, who boldly dive into the water with croarly and the berth, as if requested that a rare tourist, a rare tourist, be sure to capture each individual to the chamber separately. No, definitely, an interesting place to walk!

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Night life

There are no particularly entertainment events in Vizak in the evening, you must admit. Perhaps the most interesting place for evening walks is Beach Road. For example, with the hotel coastal complex The Park. There is an open restaurant (Bamboo Beach), where there is often live music in the evenings (mainly international hits, which is nice). By the way, there is sometimes for the Russian guests "there behind the fogs" of Lube (if the soul is very asks, then that they play this song, you need to ask "Russian Navy Song").

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Walking through the park Kailasagiri Park

Kailas, or Kailash, is one of the sacred mountains in Hinduism, and in the visake of the park called it in this way, because it is located on the hill. It is located approximately 45-50 minutes from the city to the northwest. In fact, the park is ordinary, but it is really very beautiful from the height of the hill.

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And in the park there are rather strange, but interesting sculptures (such as a huge stone mushroom or clock, well, and saints shapes). A fresh breeze walks around the park, breathing there easily and pleasantly. And by the way, the park is probably the only one pure place in the city, and there are also urns here! Yes, with urns in India is bad. Before the park on a hill, you can climb, for example, by car, and back to descend along the cable car (however, and you can also climb the vertex on the rope). In 2014, a hurricane was held at the park well, and his traces of that year were noticeable - everyone was cleaned to the next season, and again it became decent.

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Journey to Dolfins Nose

Dolphin's nose (Dolphin's Nose or Black Mores' Hill) is a huge cliff of 174 meters high, resembling a dolphin nose. It is approximately half an hour from Visachapatnama. At the top of the hill is a lighthouse, but tourists are much more interesting to climb and admire the beautiful views of the bay and the city.

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Since the mountain is not very high, and therefore it is not difficult to climb there, besides, you can just go there (leave, as a rule, in a kilometer from the lighthouse). The main thing is to come in the afternoon, at 2-3 hours, because by 5 pm it already darkens - but in this case it would be cool to "capture" the sunset. On the lighthouse, too, you can climb - a ticket costs only 10 rupees, a lighthouse is open from 15:30 to 17:30. In general, those who love the ocean, forests and hills, to be on the mountain necessarily.

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